I recall reading in one of Robert’s resources to bury seedlings “deep” when transplanting from the germination tray to the pot (indoors tent). Is my recollection correct? If so, how deep? As a long-time veg grower, I know tomato plants, for example, should be buried deep (1/2 to 2/3 of the plant) to stimulate improved root growth from the buried portion of the plant. Thanks for you help!
Welcome to forum
I would bury deep too , especially if I had a plant that stretched ,I would bury as much as possible.
That is what I do
Thanks so much, & thanks for the welcome!
They don’t need to be buried deep, but you want to make sure the stem is supported if need be. If you have stretched seedlings then get them down a little so they look normal on top of new pot.
Okay, thanks! So much to learn! Our week old seedlings are still in the germination cubes, a little tall/stretchy, no needing support yet. After germination, moved them to the tent without the dome, regulating the humidity and temp, and maintaining the KindLED at the recommended low intensity/height.
One more question about transplanting seedlings—do we need to wait for the seedlings to develop more nodes/leaves before moving the plant pods to their pots?
Thanks again! I’ll try to avoid needless questions, but sometimes I read conflicting or ambiguous advice=y so it’s SO helpful to get clarification from you guys who have the experience & knowledge.
They are like tomatoes; the buried stem will grow roots.
Great! Thanks so much!