Transplanting in flower

Is it okay to transplant while in flower?

Only if absolutely necessary. If the roots are so compacted that the plant won’t survive otherwise. Any stress in the flowering stage will show in the final bud quality.



Yeah I would avoid transplanting in flowering as the shock may diminish your yield.

Only if you think it is truly rootbound I would consider it.

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Yes I definitely think it should be transplanted that’s why I wanted to see if it would be a good idea or not I need to put it in a bigger pot right now it’s only in a gallon pot


How long into flowering are you?

Best to avoid if possible but by the sounds of it only being in a 1 gallon pot you might not have a choice.

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Should be fine though. You force flowered it to show sex. Bringing it back into the veg stage should be fine.

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It will be 2 weeks tomorrow