Topped her today, now what?

I topped my indoor lady today, but I’m not sure what to do from here. Do I start tying her down like when I LST’d my outdoor auto fruity pebbles? Or is there another step that I should be doing?

This one is a photo fruity pebbles.


Let her grow the 2 tops a little. Only takis a couple days.


Ok cool, and then do I tie them down after they grow?


Once they are long enough. Or another option is to top again after a few nodes of growth. Let it grow up a little then start tying it down. Your choice. Depends on what room you have. Can be kept short or tall.
How tall is tent.


Awesome thanks! First HST experience, don’t want to botch it too bad lol.


You haven’t botched anything. It is looking good. It is a photoperiod lot of time to recuperate.


Are you looking to do a mainfold/mainline or something else?

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I let mine grow 4 sets of branches then topped. Then supercropped all 4 sets of branches to get them laid out horizontally.


You did good with the top! You left a nice stub there to help prevent from splitting when you are able to HST.


Not gonna lie, had to research those more. I would think mainlining would be more what I’m going for, but with it being the first topping try, I have no idea what I’m going to end up with.


So just bend them down like LST but closer to a 90° angle? Just want to make sure I have the concept right.

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Thank you!

Went down this morning to check on her and she exploded over night. My 18/6 is 12am-6pm on, then 6pm-12am off.


I would let them grow up a little then do whatever type training you want to do. I did supercropping, but that is high stress training, for sure. Effective, but harsh. With you having soil to anchor into you could use garden stakes after the new tops grow out at least 3 new nodes (preferably 4) per new top.


That’s perfectly fine. My first plant was a manifold and I had 0 experience going in. You don’t have to use one training technique over the other, can mix them and find what works for you.

The supercropping that @Cooper mentioned is also very handy when bending your stalks/stems down as it makes then flexible and pliable for training without snapping off.

Can use anything from dowels to chopsticks for keeping everything lvl. I like to use coated bonsai wire and binder clips to attach to the bag once plants get big enough.

First grow: The Mandaweedian Manifold!

Currently getting similar training: Currently in Veg tent!

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Thats because by topping you changed the plants priority. Now it will focus on growing outward and less on vertical growth. Which is what you are trying to accomplish indoors.

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Here is a very similar topping I just did on my BB Cupcake.

Once the 2 new nodes grow out, I start tying down horizontally but this is a forever fight as she will always turn right back up toward the light so I adjust the tie down point to keep that horizontal growth going to create a nice square flat canopy.


Nice looking training and plant.


As @Bonjoyle said the fight is on going. The plant will get wider and wider as you adjust the tie downs further up the branch to keep it down. I liked this plant and i know i can improve on my lst. Produced 4 1/2 oz. and was only 28 inches tall from the soil.


That looks awesome! 4.5 ounces? It looks like a whole lot more than that!

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