Top two recommendations for Autos

Howdy All
Looking for recommendations for top two choices for Autos.
Want to get some auto-flowering seeds and try and make my own feminised.
I am looking at getting two strains two play with.
If you were on a desert island and only had two choices of autos, what would they be?
Thanks :grinning:


We have bought and grow 2 at a time in coco and jacks.

Wedding Cake
Banana Kush

Our sixth grow, 6th Banana Kush, its the least potent as per store info.

Always 4ft tall, no larf weighed, top nugz, at least 4 zips,

The buzz is like 70s creeper weed, its sneaky smooth but so good. The grove bag smell is like a fresh loaf of banana bread.

Now, the other 4 have lots of fireworks,

ILGM has plenty od beans to get you there. Good luck.


No cigarā€¦
ILGM do not send to my country anymore and it is really difficult to get here.
Have had my seeds intercepted twice now from overseas.
I have been raided by storm-troopers before for growing my medicine.
That is why I ask for top two choices, this is my last attempt to get seeds.
Just wanted to try my hand at autos.
I have many photo-period seeds.
Thanks Mosca
Mary Janeā€¦She drives me crazyā€¦


Good morning, I would recommend Grand Daddy purple, Super Skunk. The GP tested to be 21% thc the skunk I donā€™t know yet but they sure produce some large frosty nugs. This stuff is so sticky itā€™s like Velcro. Hope your experiment goes well and you can share your progress.


Iā€™m a Ilgm homer, love the beans, always bangin their drum loud,

     Thats the Debbie Downer to my seed bank, they not getting their superior genectics to all our grommies in need.

      Hopefully Robert is trying to change that.

Jack herer is also a good choice with auto plants. Good luck :v:


Why not order some regular autoflower beans and just use a male to pollenate your photo period plants. The resulting seeds will have some that hold the autoflower trait and you can use a good one to self pollinate and have some feminized S1 type of autoflowers of a plant you like.
Lowryder Regular would be my choice.


Winos OG (regular auto flower) and twisted cookies for easy autoflower seeds but they wonā€™t be feminized.
Or twisted cookies and Gorilla glue auto for feminized. Hit the twisted cookies with the Gorilla glue.


You are a little more adventurous than I. We have tried a few autos (Blueberry, Jack Herer, GSC, White Widow, and Amnesia Haze on deck). Typically we make oil for baking sweet edibles. Peanut-butter cookies are the go to recipe. When it come to flower we still prefer the White Widow for a general evening chill. If we want to just crashing for the night blueberry all the way. Iā€™ll be watching for other suggestions on this thread to get some other opinions. Daytime use isnā€™t really our thing. We have used the edibles to replace drinking alcohol in the evening. Overall chill is what we generally look for.


Thatā€™s good to know a friend gave me some of those beans to try.


You got a easy recipe from scratch or you use packaged cookies?


Thanks HP
Will do some researching :face_with_monocle:


Iā€™m simple so I go Betty Crocker mix package. My wife is a trained pastry chef so it gets a bit more interesting when she bakes. I like to add in M&Ms, Reeses Pieces, chocolate chips. One day the ā€œdreamā€ would be to start baking edibles for sale. Our state just went legal so no rules have been established for recreational sale yet. But I like to think between my love to grow and her years in baking we should be able to come up with something.


Currently enjoying a nice harvest of Girl Scout Cookies Extreme and Bruce Banner Autos from ILGM.


Fresh batch.


Those look so yummy right now. Wonderful job!!!

Thanks. Takes ā€œfreshly baked at homeā€ to a new level. :laughing:

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I clicked here and instantly thought those were sift pucks :nerd_face:. Looks yum yum

I had no idea about a ā€œsift puckā€. Learn something new everyday.

Just picked up kief