Tips on clone revegetation

Thank you for your time. I pulled some clones for indoor off of an outdoor plant. It was put outside too early this year. It appears that the clones are reveging. Is there anything different from normal plant care that I need to do to help them along, or just grow them out? Thanks for your time.

Assuming your clones are relatively small and wouldn’t produce much, I would keep them on veg schedule until they reach desired size.

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Thank you for the reply. I already put them on a veg schedule. I’m not sure if I just grow them out as I normally would, or if there are specific methods that were applicable.

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Revegers grow at their own rate.
Best luck, to us all.


Agreed, once back into veg they should grow similar to other plants but usually look a little more funky from the reveg.

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Summer clone dome farm

Air refresh time

Most fun.