This guy popped his head out of the Jiffy about 3 days ago, and was moved into my tent. Temp around 22 degrees C, RH around 70%, under Migro 200 (1/5th strength, 35cm from seedling as recommended) good airflow and air movement.
This morning the tap root was out the bottom of the pellet, so I’ve moved her into some coco. Im just concerned about the curl on the leaves, and her head was slightly tilted too (hence the wire support).
Ive added no nutes ( I just the GH trio ), just keeping the coco damp. Should I be concerned?
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Those are the seedlings Cotyledons. Think of them as baby leaves. They essentially provide what the seedling needs until more mature leaves develop and photosynthesis can start. I wouldn’t worry about them curling down. Looks like the leaves are starting to form and look healthy. Welcome to ILGM forum.
Thanks for the reply mate, really appreciate it. Yep, she really jumped up over night, and is looking super healthy, first main set of leaves are now already bigger than the Cotyledons. I was just getting nervous, as I’ve had to auto seedlings die on me recently, so being super careful with this one.
Now Im just wondering when I should start with Nutes. I use the GH trio, and will obviously follow the suggested mix for auto seedlings. I’ve heard seedlings in coco dont need nutes for the first two weeks…
You don’t need any nutes until the cotyledons start to die. The plant consumes them first, then it needs food. I did GH last grow. I started at a 1/4 dose and slowly worked up the PPM.
Excellent, cheers for the info! Ill wait until they die off before slowly introducing nutes.