My tent started off just fine minus one plant that I had done in soil instead of hydro I noticed a slivery kind of glaze on my lover leaves… it has started to spread I have noticed tiny bugs on those leaves what are they? How do I get rid of them… I am 4 weeks into flower…
Physically remove infected leaves, soak plant down with 3% peroxide and distilled water mixed 50/50. Wait 24 hours then apply either Captain Jack’s Deadbug Brew (spinosad) or Safer Caterpillar Killer (BtK). Wait 5 days then hit with peroxide again followed by either of the two products above. Continue until harvest.
Would neem oil work the same as the caterpillar killer? I bought some last week for my outdoor plants. As long as I make sure to not get any on my buds? @Myfriendis410
Okay I have removed as many infected leaves as I possibly could. Tomorrow’s adventure is to the garden store to get some caterpillar killer and peroxide and I will hope for the best!
All the way to harvest. You can’t use peroxide on top of it because it kills the active vector in the Spinosad. Thus alternating every five days to allow Spinosad (or BtK) to do it’s job.
Mechanically removing mites can be done by spraying the plant with a large volume of water: washing the little bastards off the plant.
Peroxide is the grower’s friend. Definitely want to look up how to do a bud wash:
I normally use the liquid from 10-15 cigarette butts soaked over night in a quart of water, strained, then add 2-4 drops of liquid dish detergent. Spray entire plant liberally. Also, for the last 3-4 years, just before hanging plants to dry I immerse them in a solution of water, lemon juice and baking soda. After about 10 minutes or so I final rinse them by immersing them in clean water. Works wonders for cleaning and insects. GLTA
I’m using every available thing to prevent bugs for my first grow and haven’t had too much problems except for nutrient burn and mildew. I try and keep everything natural, so I’m using companion plants (spearmint, peppermint, dill) that keep bugs away, and now i just ordered ladybugs to eat any bugs/eggs.