Sprayed with pyrethrin and it not only killed the thrips

I was preparing to put this GDP in the flowering tent when I found thrips. So I sprayed it down with pyrethrin.
Killed the thrips, and may have killed the plant too.

This is the second time I’ve sprayed with pyrethrin. Both times they pretty much destroyed the plant. What gives here?
The first time I thought I used too much soap. The second time I used zero soap.


Do you have access to Spinosad? Or Captain jacks dead bug killer? Those are organic pesticides that usually do the trick without hurting your plants :v::bear:


I ordered a bottle of spinosad when I saw the thrips, but had pyrethrin on hand.
Unless someone can tell me what I’m doing wrong I’ll never use it again.

Spray down your plant with straight 3% hydrogen peroxide. Wait 48 hours and spray Captain Jack’s. Wait 5 days and repeat. Problem solved and no more nuked plants. Can also use up to harvest day.


Damn she looks pissed off, brah

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I think she’s beyond pissed off. :joy::see_no_evil:

I doubt this girl will make it into the flowering tent now, but if she comes back I might take some clones. There’s only one spot showing growth.

Sorry to tell you… pyrethrin is a no go… if you use it you have to dilute the crap out of it , but you still run the chance of that happening again…
And if I’m not mistaken , it’s not for anything that you are going to consume…
Any clones taken from her will be weak and susceptible to bug issues and infections…
But then again , I’ve pulled strains back from death that were alot worse… up to you if you have the time and energy to put into her… :wink:



Bummer dude.
As @MattyBear said spinosad is a much better option but on your next grow consider using it as a proactive measure
I use it in my foliar feedings on my outdoor plants during veg and is works great for preventing infestation
As a reactive I like to use doctor bronners pure castille soap

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Is it an indoor plant @Drinkslinger ?
Or did you start it outdoor?
Wondering if your grow space is compromised
Thrips are a common problem but I am wondering how they got into your space
What kind of soil/medium are you using

Indoor, in a tent. All clones.
I’ve got some plants in the same room that spend the summers outside. So… it could be from them.

That’s my veg tent, flowering tent is in the basement 2 floors below.

I went through all the plants in my veg tent today. I found thrips on 2. Damn :-1:
I immediately sprayed all the plants in the tent with 3% peroxide. I’ll be spraying with Monterey spinosad tomorrow as @Myfriendis410 suggested. This is messing with my perpetual harvest plans. Grrrrrrr👎


I’m going to leave her in the “man cave”. It’s south facing and all windows. It’ll take very little to see what happens.

Good point about the clones being weak.

My gut tells me to save all the plants, but my brain tells me to ditch the weak asap @tanlover442


If you stay on it you’ll be fine. If they continue to give you trouble, switch up to 50/50 Isopropyl and water. I’ve never used it but I’m told the plants take it just fine. After any application of disinfectant wait 48 hours and re apply the Spinosad or BtK.

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There are 2 similarly spelled options for treating plants so be careful which one you choose… rin versus rum at end of name…
Screen shot from another post in forum

Pyrethrum is the one I would choose to use and NOT Pyrethrin
RUM is sourced from a plant where RIN is using RUM to start with and then chemically messed with by guys in white coats trying to outdo Mother Nature which they can’t and only bring bad things to the equation.
Ive found that when it comes to anything that we will ingest for food, medicine cosmetics etc if it has FDA approval and or has a patent it usually isn’t a good healthy natural choice for us or our pets or plants.

Just remember to drink the RUM not RIN

Hope this helps and HAGD


Some say pyrethins are bad. Pyrethrums something I am not familiar with.

Having said that, I had a major white fly infestation and this is the only thing that worked: Garden Safe brand…houseplant and garden insect killer…0,02 pyrethins. The Ladies had to be sprayed three times to finish off the eggs that hatched. But…it did kill them off. No issue with the smoke.

Each to their own preferences…

Good Luck

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BTW…no harm done spraying with this product.

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@Drinkslinger I just had a insect issue and I used pythenrum not rin and my girls are fine and I drenched them and there 2 weeks in flower I got shown your topic a few hours after I sprayed And it freaked me out so I done some research and anything with Neem oil in it you should do the following
Indoor grow: spray then lights off for 24 hours
Outdoor grow:spray just before sunset

Cause heat causes the oil to burn your plant which is maybe what happen to you :man_shrugging:

Also sorry to hear about your girl :sob:

No, I sprayed under low light. The pyrethrin just nuked the plant.
It was this stuff.

Must be dodgy stuff mate if I’m not sure about stuff il just go to my local hydro shop and buy product and if it fails then I can go back and bang on there door :wink:

Hey @Chriso
Was re reading this post and wondered if you could post what product you used that contained the pyrethrum in it?


Its a Daisy image @Skydiver
Pyrethrin insecticide kills insects on contact because it’s derived from the pyrethrum daisy ( Chrysanthemum cinerariifolium ), which contains deadly nerve toxins. This perennial daisy is also nicknamed the Dalmatian chrysanthemum.

Pyrethrin insecticide is commonly produced synthetically by industrial methods, but it also naturally occurs in the pyrethrum daisy flowers. Therefore, it’s often considered an organic insecticide. As with all garden chemicals, apply according to the label directions and only when necessary.

How to Buy and Use Pyrethrin Insecticide

You can buy pyrethrins in several forms, but the most common are bottled insecticides that contain pyrethrin extract. The dried flower heads are also available, or you can grow your own and dry them. Pyrethrin-extract based insecticides are effective against a wide variety of insects, including soft-bodied insects and chewing and sucking insects such as aphids, leafhoppers, mealybugs, spider mites, stink bugs, scale, thrips, and whiteflies.

Although they are organic, pyrethrin-based insecticides are still moderately toxic to mammals, including household pets like cats and dogs. Also be aware that many store-preparations are enhanced with piperonyl butoxide, which increases toxicity levels. If you have small children or pets in the house, limit their exposure to any application of pyrethrin-based insecticides. Pyrethrins are also sold in combination with a number of other products, including copper and sulfur fungicides.

To use pyrethrin, follow label instructions during the application, wear gloves and protective coverings, and repeat applications as needed to control your insect problem. Depending on the pest target, multiple applications may be necessary. Once the pest problem is under control, stop the applications.

Make Your Own Pyrethrin Insecticide Spray

You can make your own pyrethrin insecticide from homegrown pyrethrum daisies. Once the plant is blooming, pick off the full blooms and dry the flower heads in a cool, dark, and dry place. Store the dried flower heads in a tightly sealed, airtight container. When you are ready to use them, grind up 1 cup of flower heads to a powder, mix the powder with a little liquid soap to increase the spreadability, and combine with enough water to make a sprayable solution. Pour the solution into a spray bottle, and use it as you would storebought insecticide. Be sure to label the bottle and store it out of reach from any children. The strength of homegrown pyrethrin varies based on the flower heads, so feel free to experiment with the proportions until you achieve effective control.

Alternatively, you can use an alcohol extraction process to obtain pyrethrin from the flowers. Soak 1 cup of packed, fresh flower heads in 1/8 cup of 70 percent isopropyl alcohol. Cover the container, and let it sit overnight. The next day, strain the mixture through a cheesecloth and store the homemade extract in a tightly sealed and labeled container. To use, mix the extract with up to 4 quarts of water, and spray on your plants as needed. Again, label the spray bottle, and keep it out of reach from any children.

Pyrethrin and Garden Safety

Pyrethrin insecticides are biodegradable and will break down within a few days in direct sunlight. The insecticide does not persist in the soil or on the crop, which is why it is relatively safe to use within a vegetable garden.

Remember that pyrethrum is highly toxic to most insects. While it is an effective agent against pests, it can also be deadly to the insects that pollinate your garden and eat pests. It is not wise to spray pyrethrum spray on all your plants. Direct the insecticide only when and where you have a pest outbreak.

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