I have found a few tiny black bugs, at first I thought they were mites but don’t think so now. No pictures, they crawl around and jump too much and are tiny. And there are just a few, they act more like predators. I’ve looked online and can’t find the exact bug, closest thing I’ve found is lacewings but pretty it’s ain’t that. Btw here’s a good website Got Bugs? - Hemp Insect
Very helpful site you’ve posted. Thanks. I’ve bookmarked it.
Looks like they are aphids, I’m mixing up some brew now. Good thing I got tomatoes too lol. I’m on it woot!
Aphids don’t jump around or move fast
They East shit and reproduce in place and only take a few steps forward to make room for the ones they are crapping out
It’s silly to go spraying when you don’t even know what it is
Trust me I know what it’s like to want to eradicate the issue but you can also treat a plant for the wrong thing amd wind up still having the issue
If you cant take a pic can you describe the bug?
These are black, look like aphid pics I’ve seen. I’ve found maybe 8-10 and on only one plant. I was out tending earlier and one crawled on my hand, I tried to get a picture but the dude crawled around so much I couldn’t get a shot then when I tried to herd him to a better spot he jumped away lol. And when I say spray what I’m doing is mixing up a batch of ground up tomato plant leaves to seep and spray. I’m all in on organic.
Lol my bad …I’ve just never seen any aphid that moves fast …
I’ve seen something that looks like a large fungus gnat moving really fast like a predator and can’t get a pic either …but these that I see aren’t harming the plant that’s for sure
I just went out and dug around again. I found a half dozen worms recently so I sprayed them with spinosad a few days ago (only bottled product I’ve used). Now no worms and I found a few of those little black bugs dead so apparently that stuff works for more than worms lol. Trust me once these girls started looking like I might actually get a good harvest that has been my sole mission in life. Nothing crawls flies or poops out there that I don’t know about it. These bugs might be a gnat or similar so I’m having wifey pick up some pest strips maybe I can post more info later because I’m not finding this critter anywhere online.
I hear ya …
You sound exactly like me …
Never sprayed jacks yet …but I almost have lol
Found this in one of my buds yesterday inspecting for rot where I’ve pruned
Destroyed one my lovely colas
Yep that’s one of those evil creatures. You can’t see the little bastards unless they crawl out to say hello, that’s how I found mine and when I started really digging in and looking close. The spray worked well because I haven’t seen any since. The first one I found was about the size if yours but when I started digging I found some tiny ones that looked pretty cozy way back inside a bud lol.
Ughh I’m pretty confident I’ll find more
@TheVirginian the link is highlited in blue on one of @YoYoYo posts
And just to be clear I do not encourage bug porn my bad
Did it look like this? If so, it may be thrips. They are tiny and fast. Depending on location they can be yellow, brown, or black.
No, not as long and wider, seriously I looked online at horticulture sites for an hour and still haven’t found this dumb thing I might have discovered a new species lolol. I looked at all the thrip porn nope it aint that.
This is the closest looking bug I’ve found yet, this is an emerging stink bug. Not exactly this but close but not right either and I’ve found zero eggs of any kind from the start, I look close and often for eggs.
I just fought off a huge gnat infestation. The babies do crawl and jump fast, but if you don’t have any flying it may not be gnats they eventually fly, I used all kinds of things to get them out of my medium. What worked best and fast was tobacco water , either as a spray or drench no harm to the plants, o got the advice from ilgm support …the best place theses will awesome people will get you through this …peace good luck
Those worms suck!!! I just trimmed 1 of my girls & needles to say, I lost count of how many buds I had to cut off Between those & those tiny black specs that move fast (question that started this thread), I lost damn near half my plant! I’m pissed because I check on them every single day twice a day! I treat all the time & to see this on my 5th week into flowering is absolutely heartbreaking