This a calcium defiency? Question about salt build up also

So i have this on some of the fan leaves the brown, its the bottom right plant in the picture. I was feeding at 6.2 but was told to feed at 6.5. Week 3 of flower , 55% humidity. 77 room temp. Been feeding around 3 to 4 ml since i went into flower of cal mag. I put lime pellets in also to raise ph since it was around 6.1 but didnt feed anymore to avoid overkill with the cal mag. Been watching the run off, the run off was about .3 or .4 ec, when fed came out to 1.755 and fed it about 1.4 ec. Using fox farm btw. Also wanted to show yall this plant that has purple buds off the get go that i thought was beautiful. Soil ec is 6.2 using blue labs soil ph meter, calibrated week and a half ago. Also, is there a way to tell if i have salt build up? And should i let my ec drop so low before feeding again? Thanks for any info.


A salt buildup will result in an inability to control runoff pH.

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I’ve read that run off ph is inaccurate. Im feeding at 6.5 and my soil ph is lower than what im feeding is that because of salt build up?

Not sure where you heard that, but it is a metric used by all experienced growers.

If you have to start using more pH Up in your feed to maintain the same runoff pH, then you have the start of a salt buildup.

Fox Farm soils will revert to a pH of 6.5 with a good flush.

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I have found that when trying to check the ph of run off. It will typically run out at the same ph as it goes in at. In order to get a better soil ph reading. You should water with RO or distilled water very slowly until you just start to see some water run through, and then stop watering. Let this set for about a hour. Then water to a good run off, and use this run off for your ph samples.
With that said, there is nothing wrong with taking and logging your run off numbers contentiously, and it is a good practice.
I have found also that. If you always feed on a light to medium nutrient schedule at a ph of 6.5, you don’t really need to check the run off. Unless you see some bad signals from the plant.

It sounds like you hit the nail on the head, with the EC of .3, and boosting it up to 1.7. A cal/mag deficiency will show signs first then signs other deficiencies will follow. I would find the correct EC or TDS for your nutrient schedule at your plant’s stage. Mix this to a ph of 6.5 before use. If you choose to skip a feeding with water, you will need to ph tap water and there is no need to ph RO or distilled water.
A picture of mid stage calcium deficiency.


Wouldn’t let post some pictures, sorry.


Thanks everybody, it’s spreading from the middle of the leaves upwards. Gonna defiently check the run off here later. Thinking it could be a calmag whore. lol

Ive read that you wanna mix 20% tap water with ro water because ro is so unstable it can make the mediums ph unstable. It said that or ph up to 9 or 10 then ph down back to 6.5. I have r.o water but i had low ph problems with it. So any advice what i should do next? Should i water it with a little dose of cal mag? Also question, should i water water feed water water feed. Or water feed, water ,feed. Ive been water feeding watering.

If you are using RO you want to add a little cal/mag to it before using it plain, or mixing in nutrients. I used to add 5 ml of cal/mag per gallon of RO,
I think you may want to start with alternating between water and feeding. When using plain RO water bring the TDS back up to around 70-80 with cal/mag, and then ph it to 6.5. When using RO for nutrients bring it up to about 50 TDS, then mix in nutrients, and then ph to 6.5.
If anyone thinks I am off with the numbers on this, please weigh in about it.

When you look up grow advice online don’t get confused about the type of grow. To avoid going down the wrong path ask this first.
1 Nutrients synthetic or organic? Both are very different, and it is hard to ride the fence on this one.
2 Medium soil or coco or hydro? Again each has different parameters.
3 Water source RO, distilled, tap, or well? This determines how you prepare your water.
Insuring that the advice applies to your grow by going down this simple flow chart should keep you on the right track.
That is if the the person giving the the advice knows what they are talking about.

Synthetic fox farm, ffof soil, been using tap water 67ppm , its weird my first grow i never used calmag and i just used lime and i barely had any defiencys. When i used my calmag it seems like i have calcium defiency. Btw should i add my bloom booster after cal mag? Been phing to 6.5 but my ph is 6.3 so im confused why its not uptaking the cal mag. Can to much phos block out calcium? Only theory i got right now other than me mixing out of order.

Looks like you maybe getting close to locking out calcium at 6.2.
Not sure since I have never used FF.
I think if you scratch something like this into the soil it will help hold the ph up while providing calcium magnesium and iron. I used to scratch it in about every rwo weeks when I was running organics. It is the Elemental stuff in the picture and it also contains lime.

This looks more like your signs.

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Forgot the mixing order. If using silica mix it in first, then cal/mag, then nutrients, and lastly ph it. Also I would not use the lime scratch and the liquid cal/mag at the same time.

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You been doing the scheduled flushes? I’ve never used FF nutes but I’m pretty sure their feed schedule calls for periodic flushes.

I did a flush about 2 weeks ago. But i noticed when i took that plant out today the leaves was super dark green like a nitrogen toxicity. Weird when the ec was where it said it should be for the week. Im gonna start feeding lighter on it

Little calmag is needed typically. Looks more like a P/K issue. If you foliar spray your calmag instead of adding to water salt buildup…mag…will not occur. Most soils are good on calcium…mag def occurs for me at reuse which I ammend with epsom. Cal/mag is not a cure all. Finding the underlieng true issue is better than trying a fixall that does not fix all. Just my thoughts. Also after a flush if was locked when she starts back feeding she will with a vengeance.

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Think it is just a phos or a potassium excess. I remember my first grow i didnt use beastie blooms till start of week 5. Guess they dont really need much till about week 4. Thanks for all the help !

Question can you foliar feed calmag in flower? Wouldnt it affect taste of buds? Or carefully put it in some leaves? And how much do you mix per gallon at what ph?