The problem I have is the seedlings are stretched and I am wondering what I can do to help them on their way?

A customer has a question and I hope we can get some opinions on it, thanks

The problem I have is the seedlings are stretched and I am wondering what I can do to help them on their way?

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Move light closer to stop them from streaching
Put a small stick in soil and use a bread tie or similar item to hold them upright
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What type of lights are you using?

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Also, I have in the past, re-potted stretched seedlings. You can bury the stems nearly up to the leaves and she will re-root along that stretched stem. That would obviously stall the plant as it recovered so @Countryboyjvd1971 suggestion is lest traumatic, less invasive on the plant


Good suggestions guys @Screwauger @anon35207245

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I’m too lazy to turn off led’s to get pics but get this: I just unzipped my tent. I have two plants, 19 days and 8 days. The 8 day old plant was laying on it’s side, having stretched a tad too much or my fan was a bit too direct.

At any rate, I took @anon35207245’s suggestion, grabbed a solo cup of medium and piled medium up around the stem, pyramid style, to support the seedling and to start over basically. Oh and I’m moving my lights down 5" @Countryboyjvd1971

Pipe cleaners will make a good seedling support. Place a loose loop around the stem and sink the rest into the soil. Also…covering the exposed stem will make it grow more roots.
As others suggested…