The first of many to come, lets learn together! My Grow with White Widow and Gorilla Glue!

All from seed, all started the same time. The lower left one isn’t going to make it, but I’m letting it ride because I know it ain’t going to make it.

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I guess for my own piece of mind would be good to know, do you think they are at a transplanting point? Will that maybe give it a bit of space to pep up? Or are their conditions a bit too sad to be transplanted?

The larger ones, not the straggling seedling lol

I would normally transplant, but I’m moving, and I’ll transplant everyone in the other tent too. Going to wait until I get to the new place. Then transplant.
One female will be selected for the Solo cup thread. None of these have shown sex yet, but I suspect two males in this crowd. The two taller ones.

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Looks like you was covered while I was asleep. :+1::+1::+1:


Shouldn’t someone be covering on the night shift? Lol


are you growin in coco? Or FF or something? If its coco and you are only watering a seedling witha few ml of water how is the medium getting overloaded with nutrients?

No I’m in happy frog and those readings were before ever doing a feeding.

Coco gonna be a lot different than soil or primarily peat mixes. It doesn’t hold as much water as peat, and when allowed to dry completely out will actually cause you more problems than good. That doesn’t mean you want it completely flooded either. Just wet down once per day to a little bit of runoff like you stated. Preferably during first two hours of lights on. If you can do that plant should run through majority of water during light time and would be adequately dry during lights off where there isn’t as much transpiration.


Thats because those preloaded soils will give unusually high EC readings because of the way they release nutrient over time. You cant compare FF or supersoil EC readings to coco or peat… not the same animal at all!
Its lime taking an EC or ppm reading of my organic soil, it would be off the charts! And its a good thing because I dont add fertilizer all year.
We need to remember that the EC pen is passing a small electric current into the solution/ runoff and detecting conductive material in that solution. Whrn we leach the medium it will typically carry away many conductive elements with the water. Its the main reason and outdoor organic grower does NOT want to flush his or her soil. Its taken me years to make this soil and the last thing I want to do is leach the EC out of it.
Its also why a super soil or FF soil immediately shows deficiencies when a plant becomes potbound, because the rootball has replaced enriched material.

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Yehp, I have been aiming to water it down about 2 - 3 hours of lights on (around dinner time) so that way it keeps it moist for the period till next lights off (which it doesnt drink anything up) then repeat at this stage.
I have seen that some people say 2 - 3 times a day for 20% run off on Coco, you think this is excessive?

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The idea is coco likes to stay moist all the time, thats not soggy, just moist. Your little plants will not require a bunch of water to achieve this. The plants roots are only 1.5 times as wide as the upper canopy at best and about as deep as the plant is tall. If it were me I would water enough to moisten twice the width of the canopy and twice the depth of its height and try to maintain that while increasing that a little bit every few days as the root grows. In no time you will be at run off, probably in a few weeks. Honestly, because of the peculiar requirements of coco, Im not a huge fan especially fir the beginner. It can be tricky.

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Maybe if you had big plant in small pot, and you may have to lower your ppm to achievethat successfully. Right now you should be plenty good once around beginning of light cycle.

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That curl is text book the very beginning of a calcium deficiency In coco. I started a thread that I add to periodically as I Learn more about growing in coco . For the coco growers


Yehp, this is why I tagged you @dbrn32, sounds like a plan, this is exactly my movements till i transplant it into the 14L, keep it low and steady then I will increase to a morning and night water once transplanted at a slightly higher EC.

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@Watt-Sun this looks like EXACTLY the problem, ok so I better put up the intake of calcium it looks like, we shall see what happens, PERFECT and THANK you lol.

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Suggested Remedy is to foliar feed Cal/mag at lights out :v:


Ok thanks, that was my next question. I have noticed I have about a 30 minute window before the stomata close up, so this would be the best opportunity I assume?

How long will I need to use a foliar spray? Just until I see the issue clear up? I have been putting Calmag in my feed as well, thought that might have done the trick obviously not… damn Coco!


Great thread… new here too… will follow with interest :ok_hand:

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@Watt-Sun I have made up a formula to try assist in the recovery as per below:
1.2ml CalMag to 1L of Tap Water
pH 6.5 to help the intake of Calcium (lower pH’s apparently doesnt absorb as well)

I have sprayed it using a normal spray bottle misted, with lights on (was not recommendation) but will spray right after lights off again in 8 hours just before the stomata’s close (as previously mentioned, they are small pores that are to do with the plants biology, they close around 20 - 30 mins after dark) as they are what absorb the Calmag as a foliar spray and prevent the Coco from robbing it from the feed leaving it deficient (which I am discovering Coco is notorious for! Though i knew this prior, but its real believe me!).

*This is all what I have researched or been taught, this is second hand evidence and I ask for any input or correction to help give the best advice for growers.

Just a quick shot of all 4 Day 1 Week 2 (THEY GROW SO FAST :heart_eyes:):