1st Time Growing Photoperiod Advice Needed

I am hoping for some best practices for my first attempt at using a feminized seed [I have been using autoflowers and only grow 1 plant at a time for personal use]. All my seeds come from ILGM, the seed is Gorilla Glue, and I am using a 5 gal. kit from A-Pot-For-Pot. My lighting is an HLG 320W XL QB V2 Rspec LED Kit. This strain is new to me [I have only grown and used White Widow autos], and I want to make sure I create and maintain the best case environment for optimal success for this wonderful medicine…


Sounds like you have the general bases covered. What medium are you growing in? Are you growing photos or autos on your new seeds?

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All of ILGM strains are feminized. You shouldn’t find many differences in the grow. Photos are a little more forgiving if you make a mistake. Two months in veg is about average, but they can go longer (I like 3-4 months). You’ll have to switch to 12/12 lighting when you want the plant to flower.


Photoperiod. I have only used autoflower previously, and wanted to glean information in hopes of being [fingers crossed] highly successful with this attempt. Especially since I only do 1 at a time…

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My apologies, photoperiod. I was going off of how ILGM separates their categories to buy, I am a newbie. Are you possibly familiar with the Gorilla Glue strain in particular, and in what particular climate/environment is best to maintain? Or are they all roughly the same in environmental settings?


Fixed it for you.

I grow White Widow mainly. I’ve never grown GG, but again there won’t be much difference. Some might be mold resistant or something else, but the parameters of the environment will be roughly the same.

A lot of answers in these videos.

How to grow marijuana course for dummies - Growing Cannabis Indoors 101

Ya I hear you, @oldmarine pretty much covered it. Best advice I can give you is watch the light distance and intensity in flower, GG is prone to going hermie but the ILGM seeds seem to be better in that aspect. Temps and humidity should be similar across the board for majority of the plants. I have yet to have one that needed more or less temperature or humidity. I am fighting the temps and humidity due to the heat being on in the house, but it’s manageable.

I typically veg for 3 months and then flip to 12/12. I have enough room to do this, so if you don’t have space for big plants then go less on veg. Once in flower, especially late flower, humidity is a big part. Same with light intensity, too high and you’ll get foxtails, too low and you get larfly buds (not dense).

I assume you’re growing in soil? If so, most don’t need nutrients added for a few months. Check with the manufacturer, each adds more or less so it’s hard to know and you don’t want to fry them. A good nutrient line is important as well, Jack’s 321 is becoming the standard on here for most growers due to effectiveness and value. I have used others, but Jack’s is simple and effective. Also get a decent PH meter, Apera 20 is what most recommend and I have one as well…great results.

Anything else, holler. I’m sure I missed something


Yes. Cannabis is cannabis. The differences between strains from a growing perspective are minor.


You have a good light so you should do well . Based on the light I assume you have a 2x4 space.
The nice thing with photos is you have time to prune and train them, Using pruning and LST you can train one plant to fill a 2x4 space wall to wall. It is a wonderful sight.


@Highwayman420 You answer the question I’ve been searching for… Sort of. I acquired a two or three week old GG clone. I did the best I could for about 3 weeks with no supplies or anything. Just a bottle of water and a 5000k spectrum LED bulb on a lamp in a fabric box line with aluminum foil. My 2x4 spider farmer tent should be in tomorrow as well as a 600 watt light. My concern is that it’s already 11 in high and seems super leggy. I think I’ve overdosed on YouTube videos and I’m freaking out because she’s leggy and not bushy like others that are at two or three weeks old. I’m also worried at 11 in tall she’s too tall to LST and she only has one nice branch under the main stock. I’m sorry to hijack the OP post but I was looking for someone who’s had a bit more experience growing GG. I wish I knew whether she was a photo or auto. Clearly I’m a n00b.

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Ya, what you explain about the stretch is due to not powerful enough lighting. What kind of light did you go with?

Shoot give it a few weeks longer and she may tell you if it’s an auto. Doesn’t matter the light schedule.

Of you have been successfully growing auto flowers, then have no fear my freind…
You are going to love photo periods!
They don’t flower till you tell them to, they are more potent, and yeild is better.


To help clarify so possible confusion :confused:
Feminized seeds basically means it going to be a female plant. (With the super rare exception from time to time).
Both auto flowers and non-auto flowers (aka photo periods) can be Feminized. Meaning breed it such a way they will 99% of the time only produce a female plant .

Sites can sometimes be a little confusing when just browsing the menus…

There is alot of little difference in autos and photos but the biggest and really only important difference is they will just keep growing leafs and branches until you tell it to flower. This of course done by putting on a 12/12 light schedule.
Other notable differences are they grow bigger, once flipped to 12/12 lights, they can potentially stretch to double whatever size they are when flipped. So something to keep in mind.

I would think it would be a photoperiod. It makes no sense to me to take cuttings from an autoflower unless you did it intentionally to do a quick SOG run. The strain does not matter.
What light are you getting? If it is a mars hydro TS600 the actual wattage is 100. This is underpowered for a 2x4. At any rate, get out your scissors and chop that girl above the 4th node. If is really stretched out, cut above third node. You can LST(spread out ) the lower branches.


I can tell you if it’s a clone it’s probably not an auto.
Autos could be cloned but no one does because they have such a short life cycle it’s not worth it. They can’t recover in time to grow much before they would flower…
Clones can look all kinds of crazy till they take off.
Getting in under that new light and set up hopefully it will shift gears.

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Okay, although it made me want to puke since this is my one and only plant, I cut her down to above the fourth node and I actually noticed there was a second branch trying to grow underneath that I didn’t see before. Is it cool to do LST now or should I wait for a few days for her to recover from the cutting?

The MARS HYDRO TS 600W LED Grow Light 2x2ft should be here tomorrow. Yesterday I transplanted her from a 4-in pot to a 3 gallon using FF Happy frog. I made a 2 ft by 2 ft little area surrounded by 4 old car sun shades for light reflection with two lamps with 13 watt 5K spectrum LED bulbs you’d get from the grocery store. I also took down from the ceiling and stuck in the same space a 50 watt 4k spectrum LED shop light and I removed the plastic covering over the LED strip.

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Hey @Never_Legendary …not to bust your bubble, but the TS 600 is 100W, good for vegging possibly but not for flowering. Your buds may be really loose. I have a TS 1000 I use for clones and veg only and that’s only rated at 150W. I would look at Horticulture Lighting Group or similar. You will pay more, but if you plan on doing this long term…it will pay off… trust me on this, I’ve been there.

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Thank you!

It is indeed 2x4, and I built mirrored walls. I have been researching a bit on training them. Filling it wall to wall would be amazing!

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Yes, a soil grow kit from A Pot for Pot, and Ill look into your suggestions as well. Thank you for the fantastic info!!!