Media looks wet. At that age water should be measured in teaspoons.
I really don’t see anything to be concerned about.
Then I have seriously been going way to heavy on my watering’s. I applied the idea of waiting for that 10%-20% run off as I read somewhere that the salts will build up to very large EC as
So I would be best using my 50ml plunger for waterings’ then? As opposed to 400ml… wow I was off the mark.
Maybe I am just expecting cause I have seen so many, well lets say perfect plants online that I feel that it may be some issue pending.
Lol partial to the reason I use cannabis is due to anxiety, I am quite impatient and can expect the worse from my own efforts lol… I figure everyone runs into one roadblock, thought this may be my first.
I never get too concerned with what leaves look like that early, but don’t believe they look that bad. I also feed my coco to runoff every time.
@Seeduction off to a great start! Welcome to the forum! Set to tag along if you dont mind!
Ok, good. I was under the impression each time you feed your plant you wanted the run off to wash away the salts the coco has had sitting in since last water and you water coco frequently as it has a great oxygen ratio so its hard to over water and maintains ph and ec.
I was doing the ml watering on my last grow but that means you gotta work on it everyday. This time I said not this time and I just water to runoff once a week. No issues and less work.
Yeah like @dbrn32 said, I don’t worry too much about the leaves on young sprouts, they are gonna twist and do strange things as they grow in, as long they have good color and growing strong, no worries, all plants go through phases where they don’t look so perfect.
The more the merrier, I have loved the journal’s I have come across and there is so much to learn, I wanna be able to share my successes and stumbles! The journals I have read have given me so much more confidence and having support it KEY!
Yeah ok that’s cool, I kinda had that in the back of my mind as it gets older those leaves are going to be clusters and clusters or foliage, a few curls shouldn’t matter.
BUT just needed to check, getting ahead of things is much easier than falling behind lol.
@dbrn32 @Hellraiser @Myfriendis410
Knew I can rely on a response and advice . Catch you all for Week 2 Day 3 update (29/07)
I’m set to watching. Gonna tag along, if you don’t mind
When you say ml watering you are talking extremely frequent feeds of minimal amounts? Ooo that is a lot of time out of a day, mind you with lockdown not much else to do lol.
Once a week water to run off? Similar yields? Sounds very little amounts?
Definitely my man! The hours and weeks I spent reading these threads with the likes of your self and the others tagged while setting up waiting for the seeds lol, definitely love ya a long for the ride and input always welcome!
5 to 10 ml per day, but when I got ready to water to run off my plants were around 3000 to 4000 ppm.i figured salt build up but also the nutrients in the soil had not completely broken down since 90 percent of the soil had remained dry. So far it seems better my plant looks fuller with like 6 inch fan leaves on week 3.
Everyone gave solid advice. I don’t worry about funny growth at this stage either. Some are really weird, but turn out fine after they get their true leaves.
Except for mine, it never got true leaves. Lol
I am someone who is very interested in experimenting and seeing new results with different methods, I may subject one of my plants to this method, but maybe wait a grow or two.
Will post up mid week my home made DWC buckets for some advice, may use them next grow and get my hands on some Canna Nutes.
Hahaha, did it ever get true buds ?
Though I liked the post (courtesy ) I feel for you, these are clone attempts yeah?
EDIT: Wait i see a seedling i think lol… sorry bad eyes.