Just wanted to circle back here and thank all of you for your wisdom, advice, and smartass comments these past few months. I know I’ve asked a lot of basic questions, and y’all have been so patient. Thank you so much My first ever indoor grow. A CBD Kush autoflower. Expected yield apparently is 4 - 6 oz per square yard. She put out 5 1/4 oz for me.
Here’s my retrospective:
Things I did well: water, fertilizer, light
Things I can do better: monitor pH, trimming, patience, whatever else y’all say if you look at the picture
Thanks again for you patience and kindness. This is a wonderful community.
Very nice! Weird how you love all phase’s of the grow but for me…the trim is a nightmare lol. Especially hand triming everything, alone bc trying to keep it all on the dl. Last harvest took me and the woman only, all day long from morning to night to finish. But when your done, its like Christmas! Good luck on your next.