Texas growers? Tips

I bet she does

He can throw a rock from his back yard and lt will land in the Rio Grande River !

I have central air but still don’t get cool enough for the heat in the summer so I bought a small window ac, but I took it out for the winter now, the summer is the hardest, winter is the easiest , next ac is going to be bigger. I have a whole house humidifier and a large dehumidifier and it is a constant battle keeping things in check. I also build a humidifier so each tent has one with a controller. The large dehumidifier I use for driving down the humidity in late flower, it is a process that you go thru trial and error and after a year or so you learn as you go and get better at it, one thing though if you leave for a few days to go fishing or something all gets screwed up, yeah you can water enough to leave but with the 3 tents I have going I have to constantly adjust my house thermostat, like today it is going to 75 degrees so I set my ac on cool and 68 degrees , if I don’t my flower tent goes to 85, and I like to keep it below 82, so the humidity challenge is the same also.

I just wanted to throw some pics out there for you, right now humidity is up so the dehimdifier is on driving it back down to 50. You may find different ways to deal with it, but just wanted to help a fellow Texan !

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Thank you zparkie2 hey im an ac tech if your ac is haveing trouble cooling the your house maybe you need to up size your unit

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Oh yeah, it is an old wooden cedar cabin very inefficient as hell. When it gets over 100 degrees here it struggles to keep the inside below 80. Had an AC guy here, put in a new unit and ran new ducts paid him a lot of money and still when this wood gets hot it is like on fire, I am getting ready to put in a fan at each end of house to blow the hot air out of attic for this summer. Thx for your input. Damn Texas heat sucks. Winters are OK. :smiley:

Did you say you are in an apartment block? Keep in mind this stuff STINKS! It stinks when it’s flowering and really honks when you’re harvesting. If your odor control game isn’t on point your neighbors will know what you are doing.

I’m lucky to live in MA and growing here is legal. There were a lot of outdoor grows on my street (I know of at least 3) and last September the whole street stank of weed. The only way the cops could miss it is if they were wearing gasmasks :slight_smile:

I don’t want to spoil your fun but getting busted for poor odor control sucks (ask me how I know)

Well my kit comes with a 4" exhaust fan and with a carbon filter would that be good?

Hell yea lol

Y, that’s a fairly typical setup - you’re an AC tech so you know better than me about sizing the filter to match the airflow and keeping the tent at negative pressure so no odor leaks. Can you vent the tent outside? (top tip - get some double lined hose to cut down on light leaks and hang your extractor fan on bungie cord to keep down noise/vibration)

It’s surprising how bad the smell can be & I don’t want you to get busted because of the stink


Got you thanks ill keep that in mind bro :handshake:

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:+1: tag me in if you have a grow journal. Growing is a blast, enjoy!

I will :+1:

You gotta love our north tx weather :rofl:

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@MrPeat so as soon as i see the seed sprout im thinking of changing the lite cycle to 18 and 6 is that good or is that to soon to change?

Or if any of you fellas have something on that matter

I believe @MrPeat goes straight to 12/12. I run it under a low watt (19w) led at about 4” for a week or two on 24hr. Then I go to 6 on 2 off light schedule until I decide to flower.

So he does 12 lite 12 dark all the way to harvest? And your methot you say its 24 hr of lite the first week then you do 6 lite 2 dark after did i understood correctly?

Correct. So:

12am-6am on
6am-8am off
8am-2pm on
2pm-4pm off
4pm-10pm on
10pm-12am off

It helps keep the heat down and gives the plant little cat naps through the day that prevent that worn out look of going 18 straight hours on

thats the light i have is it enough?

Ohhh ok i may follow that cycle if you dont mind