First year growing and grew outdoors. I had bought ILGM’s, CBD autoflower mix pack. After harvesting and curing my CBD kush, I took it in to a local grower to have its THC/CBD levels tested. Below is picture of the results. My question is, what did I do wrong to get a high reading of THC and low reading of CBD? Could it have been that harvested to late? I harvested when 2/4 of the tricomes were amber.
Thank you for any wisdom shared! I truly appreciate the help.
I’m not an expert, however attempting to reach higher CBD levels is probably a genetics thing, and possibly environmental as well.
Every plant is unique, and this goes for THC, and terpene content as well. I don’t think you failed at your attempt to grow a high CBD strain, as much as it turns out different based on its environment it’s in. I don’t feel you did anything wrong.
This is an interesting part of the cbd industry for lack of better terms. They all attempt the same as you, and work with what is grown. Research and development plays a role in seeking out that one phenotype that has the very best qualities, (and numbers) that would benefit and attain certain requirements of a goal that was projected.
This is one of the reason holistic “medication” is expensive, because of the amount of time that’s involved in getting the desired end result successfully, and with a natural product.
I was hoping to grow a higher CBD strain for use in making a FECO for my father. My father has essential tremors of his hands. We have tried various suggestion his doctor has given him with no good outcome. Of course CBD was not suggested and I received the “here we go again, another crazy pts family member.” look. I devoted some space in my garden this year to add to my little apothecary of tinctures and dried herbs. I mean, I guess that doctors look wasn’t totally wrong. I do like giving a healthy diet, herbs and my tinctures a good shot before running to him for help.
I have been researching but all the information I’m trying to organize away in my brain is just scrambled all over the place I need to start writing my research down so I can go back and reference it without trying to remember everything.
I truly appreciate you sharing your wisdom. I may just take the dive and buy some CBD concentrate while continuing to grow different CBD strains until I find the winner.
I grow for my wife and have found that adding 50% CBD strain to her edibles has made a huge difference.
We decarb a mix of 7 grams Northern Lights and 8 grams of Harlequin in 1 cup of coconut oil.
Then that cup of oil is made into 66 cookies. Her weeks supply. She has a very high tolerance for THC so I don’t recommend eating 9 of these a day for anyone else. One half of one of them and I am over the line. But the CBD in them has really helped her pain and insomnia. As well as her sleep quality which improves so many other things.
That’s amazing and I’m so happy to hear it’s working for your wife! I’ll have to give those strains a try. However, Im pretty sure my Father couldn’t handle even a crumb from one of those cookies But I’d sure love to try the recipe.
We have tried many different strains over 4 years. You have to test a lot. He probably would respond to different ones. But I will suggest you learn to clone and then save a start from plants you test. Even the same strain will be different from seed to seed. My Harlequin is going into its 3rd year now and my mother plant is a 3rd generation clone. .
I never even gave cloning a thought. I’ve cloned many flowers and night shade plants over the years. I would think cloning hemp would be similar. On to researching cloning hemp. My sink of dirty dishes can wait I’m on a mission. Thanks for yet another great tip!