This was a big bomb auto I let run wild on 1212. Have more short plants in flower now so I wanted to bring the light down some.
I see it written that you can’t / shouldn’t do this beyond x weeks into flower or the like pretty frequently. This isn’t the first plant I’ve supercropped later on in flower. I wouldn’t go doing it for fun but it can be done if you have a reason.
Shot she’s bout ready but little trick, I take a straw, slice it down the middle and put it there to support, that way the plant doesn’t suffocate itself,
There’s a narrow straw like hole down the stem to feed the plant, if it gets choked off the top end will start drying up and wither away before you harvest, keep an eye out but nice buds!
Usually when you do it, the stems are soft and The recovery time is almost overnight.
This late into flower your most likely doing it to keep it down from the lights, meaning the stems are brittle and hard, less likely they will actually recover and more likely this will be its final resting position until harvest.
So I’d support that bend with some tape or a straw
It’s hard to see in the top picture but I have a string holding it up temporarily. Even if I had split the stem I wouldn’t tape it. Just some honey on the wound and call it a day.
Yeah I debated just harvesting the thing. But I like to fiddle and she could use a week.
We most certainly do! It’s my goal to do my best to let them go until defoliate, then harvest. I just gotta not over do the nutes and keep my ass outta there
Here’s an early supper crop that split way up, you can see from that angle it regrew into 4 stalks around the crack I created, I didn’t even support that thing
@Eagles009@Oldguy either of you keep a written copy of what ph, ppm , rh , temp , date each day?
I’m really look for a chart I can use to do a daily track of what’s going on here. For some reason I thought I could remember or data record on my phone. When really a written copy would be right up my alley
A brief discussion on nutrients above that might put your mind at ease a bit and explain why none of us seem disturbed by a little yellowing from hunger like what you have going on. In my mind that’s what those leaves are for. Feeding your plant.
I find with autos I can sit around the 0.8 - 1.1 EC mark the whole way through the grow, and they still thrive!
Keeping all additives at full strength & dropping the A + B to make way for them.
On the note of supercropping, I gave mine a punishment today, from super cropping fairly often the stems are so thick & just splinter instead of bend now. (not on an auto)