Ok… here we go again, just got the Super Skunk seeds today !!Yay!!
So …I will fill out a support ticket after they get in the soil…which is is… Fox Farm Ocean Forest w/ 25% Perlite and worm casings in 7gal fabric pots… only 2 of the super skunk will be grown this time as the 4x4 tent with 3 last time was a bit crowded. I grow for myself and my medical condition and have looked at and tried so many strains and this Super Skunk fits the indica / smell / Thc level bill I want and need. Love STINKY POT!!
All are welcome to follow along and correct me when you see me mess up, I would not be able to do this without the help here and the knowledge gained here… I will be Tagging people that have followed my other journal “First time Scrogging” check it out if you like … what I’ve learned there hopefully will be seen in this grow with nice buds and a good yield!! I’m gonna need another filter for the smell of these I think but will address that when needed.
One Super Skunk will be fed ONLY Jask 321 formula w/fulvic and maybe some Tribis if I can afford it, if not I’ll be using Myko+ for the root zone.
The other one will be with Fox Farm Trio nutes with hydrozne(sp?) for the roots… this combo gave me a 3lb wet Chocolope grow… dried to 17oz of great bud… so a no brainer… I’m using it for this one and will compare them here so I and all can see the difference side by side of the 2 nutrient regimens. There is a grow I’m following that is using Jack’s 321 on here but I wont link it here as have not asked permission yet.
If you see this and think someone may be interested please feel free to pass this journal on to them also.
Off to put 2 in some water with a drop of h2o2.
Stay tuned…
@Witchhouse ,
@dbrn32 ,
@Not2SureYet ,
@elheffe702 ,
@Enlightened420 ,
@PurpNGold74 ,
@CoyoteCody ,
@Chasworks , cant remember anymore…Lol
Have a great day all!
@kaptain3d here’s a good journal to follow!
Appreciate the tag, I’m on board 
P.S I love Super Skunk it’s in my top 5 favourite strains…
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Thanks! I’ve been waiting for this one!
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I bet, it sounds like it’s going to be a fun grow!
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Can anyone explain how I can tag my other journal here?
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Just copy the url and paste it in as a post on here.
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You can also use the handcuff icon next to the quote. Need to type in the topic title
Awesome Thanks! Here it is… This link is for my first journal with 2 grows in it… First grow Bubba Kush, chocolpoe, and gold leaf, 2nd grow ILGM Chocolope, Big Bud, and Gold leaf… and Now the Super Skunk… I am pretty excited about this one folks!!!
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Oh yeah! Set to learning! 
Thanks @CoyoteCody
I bought the same thing. Currently growing the goldleaf
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Cool, how did you like the Super Skunk? Heard different things on the smell- some were super strong, smell it down the street type then a few said it wasn’t much smell untill you break up the buds, but all good on the effects…curious how yours were. I grew 2 gold leaf and loved them, nice buds and great flavored weed! Still have a few oz left and 3 seeds also left. it’s my afternoon smoke …lol… Thank you for stopping in 

Oh… my journal with the Gold Leafs grow is linked above… take a look at the results If you get a chance. You will like that smoke.
Thanks for the tag Tom, you know i am along for the ride! Going to move the Skunk to the top of my list!
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Good luck Teacher, happy that your growing another journal out!
Oh nooo… @Dbpooper I knew I missed a lot of tags, so sry! Thanks for coming by your surely welcome!! That goes for anyone I have forgotten I have a list somewhere I need to dig out! All are welcome here but dont stress out after you see the torture there going to go thru…

No worries buddy it’s hard to remember everybody!!
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I haven’t grown it yet. Next run. I got it cause it was buy 10 get 10 and i like skunk #1 family
Congratulations Tom good luck with the grow I’ll be watching!!