Sun vs Shade in 90s temps outside

It’s getting really hot here n it’s almost always dry too. Now that it’s in the 90s half the day, which would be more beneficial- leaving plants in the sun or moving into the shade? They are in cloth pots. As I understand temps over 90s slow growth, but more light speeds growth. So I’m not sure which would be better over the other? Any super tips from outdoor growers out there? Ty!

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Down here in the south high humidity an hot, I’ve got a afgan in fabric outdoors, it took some studying how the sun would shine in our wooded land, but I found a good spot for as much am sun as possible up to 2ish o’clock when it gets really hot, after that mine gets just light not direct sun an does really good dont move it or anything, an grows some very good potent smoke, so say 8 hrs of direct sun an 5-6 of light

Here’s a thread with a lot of outdoor growers an there plants,


Full sun. They can take it and they love it. As long as you keep em watered heat and full sun outdoors is no big deal

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I live in Arizona, it is 105 +/- everyday now, well at least for the next 2 weeks. Also very dry humidity below 20%. I have my plants outside full sun and so far they are doing well. I have 1 in a 20” fabric, 1 in a terracotta 14” basic red pot and 1 in a talavera (outside sealed). They are all auto’s, Bruce, Gorilla and Girl Scout. They all get watered everyday.

As I am a new grower I cannot comments on the affects of our weather on the plant growth only that they are doing fine.

Good luck and I am listening :ear: for other comments


Mine are doing great , so far nice n green bushy , but it just got into the really high temps. Maybe I’ll leave one in shade n other in full sun n see if there’s any real difference in growth

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I’ve grown different strains outdoors in the hot sun, what I’ve learned is some strains can take the heat and sun better than others, I’ve had some with leaves curling completely in half, basically saying I can’t take this heat no more, and others loving it like it’s nothing.

Another option would be to purchase some shade cloth ( assuming your plants are not like 10 feet tall lol) and putting it over top of the plants, this will greatly reduced the stress from the hot sun, but still allow the plant all the light it needs. You can build a simple structure of some sort and put the cloth on top, they come in different shade ratings, a 50% would give you good protection, and allow plenty of light.

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Ya I actually have some black mesh shade cloth over my garden since the sun out here will shrivel up all yr veggies until they get big enough. I can move plants out of the sun so not really need the mesh for them. I was just really curious what was better for growth in that situation n moving my plants Everday is time consuming

Just protect them roots and the plants will thank you :blush:

You recommend mulch?

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I like the sun. I will give them a couple drinks one in an and one in pm seems to do the girls well. I guess you have to watch them and decide at that moment. I’d go with the sun.
Happy growin

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Yea I recommend mulch for not only retaining moisture but cooling roots…just be sure to not let it ALWAYS stay wet cause that will encourage mold and you’ll notice all the signs of your plants not liking changes. Just experiment and find what works best for what soil or medium you’re using. Wilty plants will be a big sign of like root shock or damage…ride it out cause this plant is super hardy and can endure quite alot

Thanks everyone for your input. I think that not only the intense heat, low humidity affects the plant above ground but also heats up the soil. My 20” fabric plant seems to be doing better than the 2 in the regular pots. Using 2 empty fabric bags to put the pots in to protect them from direct sunlight and also give some air space which will hopefully reduce soil temps in the pots. I can easily use sun shade cloth if needed. We will see how it goes got 110+ coming in the next week.

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