Starting out Brand New

I cut a few leaves off now I feel I cut too much, there was still so many bud sites shaded which is why I removed what I did but it doesn’t look like it really helped. I’m afraid I did too much. I definitely won’t be touching the trimmers again :man_facepalming:t2::man_facepalming:t2:


Sorry for the delay @Jun3Bug. I had uploaded a few pics of a revegging plant but it didn’t upload and still won’t. I think you still have a little ways to go yet before she’s ready :face_with_monocle:


So the left one is opening but hasny opened fully correct. I had a plant herm on me one of my bag beans. The branch that got snapped off during beginning of flower was reattached and ended up going herm on me so i split that plant up from the others. Chopped that yesterday as she was changing all sorts of diff colors. she has some of the hardest nugs ive felt since i started growing lol but im sure she will be riddled woth beans lol. Gonna seperate beans pitch them in trash and press whatever i get off of that tree. She smells super stinky too


Normally, you wouldn’t even bother checking trichomes until the pistils are receding.


I gotcha, okay sounds like a plan sir! I have a few pistils changing colors but not the majority so I will wait till I have more


Looks like you got your answer, and for the record I’m probably not one to ask for opinions just yet. :joy: Still very much in the learning stage of my new found hobby, but I do think it’s too early. Looks good though!

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I appreciate any input! @MaD-VapoR the smell is amazing especially from the leaves I’m trimming

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Ever since I moved into my new grow space, I’m getting much better smell too. Air circulation and fresh air have made all the difference. I’ll be posting an update today in my journal with a few pics. I’ll tag you.


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I just set to follow that thread I believe but tag away! @MaD-VapoR

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I’m severely disappointed in this bud I got from someone local. I have honestly had Reggie better tasting than this bull poo poo. I was having a hard time keeping it lit in my bowl and no wonder. It is straight trash. I can’t wait to smoke my own. It’s like I keep getting more and more disappointed the longer I go :sweat_smile: this is what inspired me to grow my own. I miss Colorado. Not only the beauty of the landscapes of it all but the quality of the bud was on another level than what people around here have. Here it’s all about money. And even if you’re willing to pay 250-300 for an 28 grams (not 28.5) it’s rare you get some A+ quality gas. Where I know places in Colorado I can get 2 oz of some amazing for that price :woozy_face: so here we are. I’m so happy to have you all being so helpful :handshake: I can’t wait to smoke some good quality bud thanks to all of you


CO is for sure beautiful…I lived there as a kid and remember it well, even considering it was almost 40 years ago. :joy:

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@MaD-VapoR yeah I’m gonna try and go hiking this summer, went last summer but I was completely unprepared :rofl::man_facepalming:t2: I was wearing sperrys had like 1 bottle of water. Man we turned around like “what the heck were we thinking we need to plan this better!” :joy:

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I started Scouts when I was there…we even hiked to the summit of Pikes Peak! Good times! Garden of the Gods was a frequent destination for the family as well. The Broadmoor is where I learned to ski. Outdoor activities are so awesome there. But yea…hiking without appropriate water is not good. :joy:

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@Hellraiser @dbrn32 @Davyg i noticed a few leaves had this so I thought I would upload the pics of the worrisome areas


Okay so today I went ahead and watered with the rest of my silica molasses and jacks mix from the last watering and I got some run off and decided to test it, I got 6-3-6.4 ph and the ppm was 3500, now I know recharge blows up my ppm but based off the leaves I’m going to go ahead and flush with RO water for the next 2 waters. I watered once with RO of course just a couple of days ago but I think if she has nute burn that she needs a thorough flush. If anyone disagrees feel free to let me know @Covertgrower @Myfriendis410 @Hellraiser

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I would let it ride with out a flush. I think it’s doing fine.
When measuring PPM, measure with only nutrients in it, no amendments, teas, or molasses. All of those add to your PPM, but are beneficial and don’t apply the same way nutrients PPM count.


Like Covert said, and plants look good.


Hmmm okay! I’ll trust you guys, I was just worried about the tips showing nutrient burn. I went ahead and took 30 min off the light cycle. I read that can sometimes increase the quality as it kind of mimics outdoors. So now it’s 11.5 hours lights on and 12.5 hours off. Also due to the cold weather in my state the temps dropped below 70 to about 66 for a little bit when the lights were on. I’m sure she will be okay but I thought I would note that as well


Yeah like the others, think they look fine, don’t worry about keeping perfect looking leaves into late flowering, and I wouldn’t plan on starting the 2 week water only until most of the pistils have turned color and withered, too many white pistils at this point to start wrapping it up.