Starting out Brand New

Yeah @Hellraiser i was looking at a bunch of others journals to get an idea and I convinced myself I was rushing as per usual :sweat_smile: but Iā€™ve realized it will be worth it if I wait and Iā€™ve gone this long what is another month or 2! Just gotta teach myself patience little by little right @Smooch530 :rofl:


Easier said then done

how my girls looking week 2 flowering


Oooh thatā€™s a nice looking canopy right there @Smooch530 yup easier said than done thatā€™s for dang sure


Thanks this being my first grow itā€™s hard to judge how Iā€™m doing I can only go off what I seen others do Iā€™m getting excited I know once I get to where u are Iā€™m gonna be driving myself crazy :joy:


Donā€™t do it man! Lol It sucks because Iā€™ve resorted to crap bud but hey you gotta do what you gotta do. Itā€™s just harsh or doesnā€™t taste good. Like thatā€™s the whole reason I like smoking is because itā€™s enjoyable. It makes life more enjoyable. But when I get bunk bud it definitely makes me hate what this industry is becoming. You even have people like the Medmen who donā€™t want people growing in their homes I think southpark even did an episode about that :rofl: but I tell you this is something. I can see the fruits of my labor and also I know what went into the bud. Iā€™m making sure that taste and smoothness are huge factors in my crop but in order to do so not only is the growing methods is what it depends on it depends on how you cut and trim apparently @Smooch530 it also greatly depends on the curing process. But I want maximum THC content and for that I need to be patient. I need to let the plant go to maturity which is what Iā€™ve seen in the bud around here they seem to harvest it too quickly. So I will be patient because I know what Iā€™m waiting for. It sucks I tell you but it will be worth it when I canā€™t even finish the joint and it youā€™ll be able to taste all the terpenes! Just tell yourself ā€œit will be worth itā€

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Hereā€™s a couple of pictures with the lights off everyone! She is looking frosty :snowman_with_snow: matches the snow outside I love it!


It wonā€™t let me upload my picture with the loupe. Says it canā€™t be bigger than 2024kb but Iā€™m pretty sure Iā€™ve uploaded bigger beforeā€¦oh well lol

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42 days into flower and I found a couple of reveg stems to choose from, Iā€™ll probably plant 2 or 2 of these

Basically they are smaller sucker branches that I normally would clip but since I want to try and save the genetics Iā€™m going to cut them, I need to buy clonex as I heard that really increases your chances on getting roots. Any advice? Here is a plant pic


Top and side view


She is looking nice and frosty!

Check out my cloning journal for cloning tips and techniques. Lots of ways to clone but for best results an aero-cloner like those made by Clone King or EZ Cloner is the easiest and most successful way to go.


Thank you @Hellraiser and now that I have a chance I want to ask you about harvest time. 1)Do you personally cut and dry the entire plant or do you cut and separate branches then hang together, and why? Just what you do and why.

Iā€™ve read about the opinions of both as hanging the whole plant it is said you get more flavor and takes longer to dry which is what Iā€™m leaning towards As I do not want the humidity to go terribly low when drying. I plan on having a humidifier going in the room I have the tent in; a cheap one that will run for 18 hours intermediately. And I want a 7-10 day dry time. I donā€™t want it to dry too fast. I will probably turn off the fan I have inside the tent (which is there for air circulation inside the tent) and leave the one pointed out the tent to create the airflow with the exhaust and thatā€™s it. I live in a similar climate as you which is why I ask what you do for reference.

2)Do you just have the exhaust fan going when drying or do you have fans on the inside going as well?


Iā€™ve done both, hang entire plant and cut and hang individual branches. I use either method depending on the plant and how I grew it. With my 6 foot tall monsters that are tangled up in a trellis net or 2 - hanging the entire plant is not happening, have to cut the branches off just to get it out of the net.

If I had smaller free standing plants than I would hang the entire plant for the slower dry.

I donā€™t use a tent for drying, I hang them in my home gym room where I can close it up and keep the humidifiers going to keep the RH as close to 50 as I can, I just run a ceiling fan on low for air movement. Then check the buds daily to make sure they are not getting too dry, feel and pinch a bud and get a feel for how wet it is, bend a smaller stem - it it just bends than too wet, once it breaks more than bends then itā€™s about the right time to start dry trimming.


Thanks! Definitely going to hang the whole plant then. Also when would you recommend not using silica in my watering @Hellraiser ? Iā€™m watering tonight and I decided not to use silica and just water with jacks mix and molasses


I usually stop silica at the end of week 5 of flowering, maybe week 6 if I anticipate plant taking longer than 8 or 9 weeks to finish up.


Perfect! Fed mid day @Hellraiser , ph with just jacks was 6.6 I didnā€™t want to add ph down for .1 so I left it at that and gave her molasses. Iā€™m thinking after Iā€™m done with this gallon which might be by the end of next week (Friday) it will be my 7th week of flower so I think I should probably start flushing with just water if Iā€™m not mistaken. She does have a few amber pistils but still a lot of white so I still think I have a good 3 or 4 weeks left.

Ppm of water going in was 900-1000
Didnā€™t get any runoff this time


Anyone want to take guesses on how much Iā€™m looking at end of harvest? (Dry weight)


110 grams I say


My guess is 89 grams.


Iā€™ll guessā€¦ummā€¦98g. So how does this contest work? closest without going over? :joy:


Sure @MaD-VapoR that sounds good! Iā€™m excited to see if anyone gets it! I was going to guess Iā€™d say 75 grams!