Starting my 2022 indoor grow

@Bunger64 well good morning my friend. If that’s your garden and your home place I like it. Looks like some nice stuff growing in that garden. It must be legal in your state :joy::joy::v::v::beers::beers::sunglasses:. @kaptain3d @OGIncognito @Borderryan22 @Dforce @Caligurl @Nip @Dennis62 @Zudnik @Jonesy287 just wanted to say good morning to you all hope you have a great day and a great week :v::v::beers::beers::sunglasses:


Good morning @RPgrower and all my pharmer friends! :wave:

Right back at you Sir! :peace_symbol: :love_you_gesture:


Goodmorning Brother yes thats my little timestamp of a garden. I have the peppers Mrs.B gets the tomatoes and the squash we are growing is from last yrs harvest she saved the seeds. Im going vertical this yr trying to keepp the jungle manageable lol. I really do enjoy green. :wink: lol


@Bunger64 that’s also a very nice shed that you have there. I like that upper room. Looks like that would make an awesome indoor grow area laugh out loud. Pretty sure if it was my shed I would have that upper room stuffed with green things from one end to the other :joy::joy::joy::v::v::beers::sunglasses:. But it wouldn’t be quite as crowded as my little 3x3 closet


Top of the morning Grow Bro :love_you_gesture:


Thanks and Hope you have a good week looking at the weather you’re probably going to get some rain and wind off the hurricane :cyclone: We been getting Thunderstorms and Heavy Rain


So it begins with an old barn that i added the first lean-to (LT1) on to it for lawn equipment and things, well then (LT2 ) Came into the picture was bored and my boat sat outside Shazam equipment needs shelter 2.


@Nip yeah we got a good rain already it looks like we might get some more tonight. I hope so another good rain would be good for the garden. And it might stay wet more than one or two days. Because if we don’t get any more it’ll be dry in another day or two. It was so dry when we got this it just soaked it all up. But hopefully we’ll get a little more. @Bunger64 well it definitely turned out pretty nice so now you have a nice big barn with some nice pepper plants there beside it. An a few nice looking cannabis plants too​:v::v::v::beers::beers::sunglasses:


I was up super early to do a hike… trying to beat the heat but it still got us! 90 F in the mountains is pretty hot for up there and when we got home it was 107 - bleck!!!


Hi there @RPgrower sorry for such low attendance of late.
Come down with round 2 of my chest cold
Right when i took 2 week off work and my wife arranged to have her mum stay in a near by rest home for a week and go way
We both got sick :tired_face:
Im getting hammered this winter over here
Im following along and sharing the love :heart:
So no more toking for me for a while yet
Dam it
Oh well
Cheers :beers:


Wow sorry to hear the BrotherMoon sending positive vibes to ya from over yonder, hoping for the best.


Thanks @Bunger64
I guess you get these times in life
Had pretty plain sailing last winter
Til i hurt my back thats had me on a journey ever since.
Lots of lurgys going round and my line work im at the coal face and interchange of lots of staff and people i support
But after that 1st bout of chest cold that put me in bed for 14 days i thought id have natural immunity to anything else
Worst thing is ive gone down right at the time i took leave to go away with my wife and we organized respite for her mum we look after to have a break from that responsibility :upside_down_face:
Oh well
Thanks for your well wishes and healing vibes
Cheers :beers: :clap: :v:


@Caligurl good morning my friend, not sure what state you’re in but it definitely sounds like a hot :hot_face: one. Stay hydrated and be safe :v::v::beers::sunglasses:. @Blackmoon well dang it brother, looks like you’re having a hell of a time with that chest cold. Hope you can beat it soon. Are you able to take some antibiotics for it and possibly some other cold medicine :pill::syringe:. @kaptain3d @StonedCold13 @spankyjr1 @OGIncognito @Zudnik @Dforce @Dennis62 @Jonesy287 well I just wanted to say good morning to you all hope everybody’s having a great day and a great week. I’ll be working some this morning. Try to work about 3 hours in the morning 3 or 4 days a week. Being a carpenter I make $35 an hour. So that gives us three or $400 a week to buy groceries which we need. The rest of the time I’ll take care of our home and my wife who is still unable to walk and take care of her self. Plus of course I do a little gardening and then my favorite hobby is the cannabis :v::v::v::beers:. So not a lot of change but here’s a couple of pictures just to brighten the day :smiley::smiley::grinning::beers::v:


Caligurl is in Cali LOL - NorCal, in the foothills. It was 12 degrees hotter in the foothills than it was in the valley which is rare.


Sorry to hear that Mooney! Rest up and get better soon (both of you)!


Good morning @RPgrower :wave:t2:
Your ladies are looking awesome :muscle:t2:
To bad we ain’t closer, id give ya a couple mornings a week to better my wood working skills :green_heart::metal:t2:


Good humpday morning to you my friend. Its raining here, love the leftover hurricane rains. Nothing like down there though, hope all is ok down there.


Good morning Grow Bro, wall to wall :fire::fire: at your spot :love_you_gesture:


Thanks for the pics @RPgrower
Hoping it doesn’t come to the antibiotics
Taking everything else there is lol
Just not my favorite herbs
Cheers :beers: :clap: :v:


Thanks @Caligurl
Getting on the mend
Just that the time is wrong
Sure there a song with those lyrics
Taking anual leave and sending mother in-law off to boarding school for the week andcwe cant do anything with our free time
Another case of
Oh well
Cheers :clap: :v: :clinking_glasses:
Keep cool in them hills you hear
And keep growing that dank cannabis you got going on there