I know I’m starting late in the season for outdoor, but have some questions. Is August too late to start an outdoor grow in central Texas using auto flower seeds? Thinking of building a small greenhouse on patio 4x4 covered in frosted plastic sheeting. Anybody have luck with small outdoor greenhouse? Very new to growing just looking to get as much helpful info as possible. thanks.
hello @Mrcrabs should be able to answer your questions and welcome to ilgm
You good my friend, it’s an auto don’t have to worry about light schedule you should be still getting aniuty13hrs if sunlights in August , good luck on journey
Thanks for response and encouragement! Hoping this goes well. Was originally considering kitting up for indoor but decided to take advantage of what nature has to offer.
Good choice my friend, Nature is your friend tag me if any questions put @ infont of my name of any other member and , I will most definitely help you , if I can’t I will find some how can @registereduser
Thanks so much! Will do! You’ll be hearing from me!
Heck ya man nice to have ya here any questions just ask alot of great growers here
I am putting 3 x Bergman Gold Leaf Autos in come August in exactly the same conditions you have mentioned.
I always grow in a lean to greenhouse and you must have air flow and make sure the critters can’t munch them…a temp / humidity meter is also very helpful…keep a log of your grow for jolly reading …Mold is Public Enemy No1 !..Beware of frost come early winter, can you have a heating source in the greenhouse ?
I am in NW Europe and my weather conditions can be harsh but the old Autos always deliver the love…have fun.
Thanks for the input. Yeah, it has been a very humid summer here so far, will definitely keep an eye out for mold. Gonna build a PVC frame for greenhouse and plastic it, hopefully the critters will stay away. As for winter I will probably move the operation indoors. Figured why spend unnecessary money when I can use what nature provides us with. Going on a trip in early August so probably won’t get this running until mid August. Will probably start seeds just before the trip so I can get them into pots and then into the greenhouse after the trip. We don’t typically see frost here until November sometimes late October.
Welcome to ILGM, @registereduser!
Good luck weather sounds brutal, im in Southern Texas bye the beach, no frezze in the wnter , i can grow all year round, w/o greenhouse i just put them under a roof and make sure thdy dont get rained on, good luck to all
Thanks! Yeah heat and humidity to deal with. At least down by the coast you’ve got the gulf breeze to help keep things cool bit. My wife’s down there right now on Mustang Island.
Kool im bye South padre Island
its a good idea to come up with a reasonable explanation why you have a PVC greenhouse on your patio to interested neighbours etc.
Welcome to the forum! Looks like everyone has you set, good luck with your autos!
My neighbors can’t see my patio. If questions get asked it’s for my wife who took up growing orchids.
Thanks. Everyone has been awesome with info and suggestions!
Forewarned is forearmed…Orchids are great…my buddy here uses Orchid Food for his gals.
Stuff grows like hell ( I do not advise this though)
So you got me thinking now about doing this where potentially prying eyes might be a problem. Rethinking an aside grow set up. I have extra bedrooms that would be easy to set up an indoor grow tent. Was just being frugal thinking outside would be a less expensive option.