@merlin44 Sorry man…it’s been a long day for me at the VA Hospital. Dog tired and out stupid internet is down to. Just one of those days.
It’s going to be a fun build.
@merlin44 Sorry man…it’s been a long day for me at the VA Hospital. Dog tired and out stupid internet is down to. Just one of those days.
It’s going to be a fun build.
I hope that you are doing OK. Never fun to visit the docs.
Yeah I’m ok…I don’t need back surgery so that was a positive note. I have been worrying about that since the MRI.
On my pvc Scrog I will only be doing a temp set up because I can not move my big girl. Just to heavy and big for that. So I will have to put one piece at a time in and then zip tie till she is harvested.
Well I got more PVC pipes so I am starting my build. This is the 3/4” pipes and these will be the main support system.
I couldn’t get the joint pieces I wanted so making do with 8 T-joint pieces. And no glue is going to be used. This is going to be the main support for my big girl.
I do plan it for 8 more T-joint pieces so I can utilize it at several heights. I’ll zip tie the 1/2” pvc for the middle support. So much to do still.
@PurpNGold74, @merlin44, @Myfriendis410, @peachfuzz, @dbrn32
So for an update. I was working on adding T joints in the middle of my Scrog contraption late last night.
I was using the tail gate of my pickup truck to saw the pvc as it was a nice night out. I hear my name being called and it was my neighbor with a pistol. He thought someone was trying to steal my pickup truck.
What a night…we look out for each other.
I am glad he asked before shooting…
How did the SCROG frame turn out?
Buy that PVC cutter. It’s worth the $8.
@Myfriendis410 I’m using the saw blade on my trusty Leatherman I bought when I was in the Army. It’s Army Strong…
@merlin44 I have to cut 4 more pieces and it’s done. That is the task for today and I’ll get a updated photo up tonight. So it’s going great.
This is what I added last night on the 4 main pvc posts. I can run this Scrog set up for two scenarios. First for one big beast as support.
The second option I can run a Scrog screen from the get go once they hit a certain height.
If you look to the plant up near the top you can see she is ready for the screen.
[quote=“MrPeat, post:29, topic:36626, full:true”] I was in the Army. It’s Army Strong…
Thank you for your service.
@CoyoteCody You’re welcome.
This next step of the build will be entertaining at best. Since I couldn’t get exactly what I was wanting so I’m going with the Shaft Construction Company build.
You mean sawzall? Lol
Ratcheting pvc cutters are amazing.
Hello so how did your SCROG turn out?
It did’t happen. The grow got out of hand. Going to have to revisit it.
O ok well keep on keeping on!
I have switched to 15 gallon fabric pots thus my system needs to be redesigned.