Spudgunner's Clone Grow

My GShepard learned to chew bubble gum (Bazooka Sugarless, FDA banned in 1976). She would chew it until you tried to take it away.
It never lost flavor overnight on the bedpost, either.


We have a jar of unsalted peanut to give to the crows (mixed with cat food). Whenever I have mixed nuts in the evening, like when I had the munchies last night, Sheba will wait for me to give her some. Since we don’t want to give her salted nuts I eat, we give her a dozen peanuts and she is happy.

Bubblegum just sounds risky, Sheba would swallow it. And neither of us were/are gum chewers, so the only gum she would find is sidewalk gum. Gross!


So a tablespoon is a nice functionable amount for me, somewhere around 100mg. Hit me while making dinner, was able to finish and eat and cleanup without the wife noticing I was getting high! Nice body stone all evening and slept very well. Quite refreshed this morning!

Still haven’t had a puff for over 2 weeks, so it was nice to get stoned without smoking. Next time will be with a little bit more. And a joint to kick it off!


I made a cake last night with double infused coconut oil. Whew! I ate 2 pieces last night and I’m still feeling it!


Tails, I win! Well, 5 out of 6 have cracked and little tails are showing. The 6th seed was tiny, about 2/3rds the size of the other seeds (which weren’t big either). Later today I’ll get 5 small pint containers filled with ProMix and plant them, give the other seed a couple more days to see if she cracks or not.

At least they didn’t dry out in the coffee filter on the heat pad…had that happen before :man_facepalming: Checked on them twice a day and added water to the saucer when needed!


Careful, “Dead Man Walking” is not good.


I’ve had that happen a few times, I know the feeling…


I wasn’t that stoned! :joy: :laughing:


I do the same but then reduce it by 60 to 80 percent. I store that in 2 oz tincture bottles. I dose about 3/4 of a dropper full. Only need a small burn going down to get rocked.

Have fun with your new grow :+1:.


Avoiding it this time, moistened some ProMix with warm water, filled 5 taller containers and planted them! A bit more water on them, some in the bottom of the tray for extra humidity, see what pops in a couple days! Left the last small seed in the coffee filter, see if that one cracks and tails too!

@patrick1960 I’m not going to reduce it…some folks I want to give some to would probably end up taking too much! A teaspoon will get them buzzed, and I don’t mind 4 teaspoons in a cup of OJ. I do like my alcohol as well as weed, this way I still get 1 drink without the burn!

Next run will be with my CBD plant I grew last year, still have a bunch of that left!


Well, my present grow has ripened to fruition except 1 that is taking longer to bulk up. Still tons of white pistils, zero receding. So I will be germinating after Christmas so I will have a good start on January 1st for the grow comp of NL#5 BX Regs here that is beginning on the 1st week of January. I’ll need my tent vacant for the new residence.
This bugger is taking awhile. It’s a Peanut Butter Breath F1.


This is basically how I estimate my canna caps. I see how many caps I can fill using the spoon and syringe and devide that by the spoon THC :love_you_gesture:


Well, there’s life! Three of the 5 have broken thru the surface (one yesterday). Still waiting on the last 2, think the 6th seed isn’t going to crack tho. It was smaller than the other 5 small seeds, still sitting in damp coffee filter tailless.

Another couple of days, then I’ll see what I have!


Waiting to exhale.

Puff, Puff. Cough, cough.
Have a great day, everybody!


Your going to be ahead of everyone by about 2 - 3 weeks so take your time. If you need to know how to mess them up to stunt their growth for awhile just ask, I have stumbled across many ways to do this. :laughing: :joy: :laughing: :joy: The Master of Disaster right here at your service… :anguished: :rofl:


Well, that last seed didn’t crack, no tail so tossed it today. And only 3 of the 5 that did have tails have broken the surface, with one of those looking a little pale. Last time I dropped some of these selfie Bruce Banners I had a couple of albinos that didn’t get anywhere, so I think I may only end up with 2.

One is doing great, the middle one had some whitish cotyledons but single leaves are green, and the one to the right of that one…we’ll see.

I’ll probably drop a couple more of these seeds, maybe even the other 6 remaining. Even if all six of them pop, I can handle 8 or 9 autos in the cellar. But I bet only 4 of those 6 will poke thru. Guess we’ll have to find out! Gonna go drop them in a glass now!


Looks good. I like the seedling incubator set up. I usually start mine outdoors so this will be a good test for me next week when I start germinating again. I have to do it all manually indoors. I’ve got the knowledge now. Thanks to you guys here!

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Merry Christmas @MartyMarajuanaseed and everyone else following along!

Yeah, I put my heating pad on top of an upside down beer flat to keep it off the concrete, then put my tray with dome on top of that. I splash water in the bottom to keep humidity up. Great for seedlings and getting seeds to pop in paper towels.


Merry Christmas to you and yours as well.


Merry Christmas @Spudgunner