Spring flower run

Our Lions club would have 1000 members, if only.

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You were generous in your June donation to me.
I truly am in your debt, still.
Looking forward to paying it forward and back.

Update. 15 days since put in a paper towel. 6 duds, 5 of mine, 1 widow from diverdave. So 27/33 up and photosynthesizing. The seedlings are out catching some NW rain water right now. They were a tad too dry. 54 degrees f.

Replacing the duds with these:

Which are from these gift seeds:

Happy almost spring. :seedling::sun_with_face:


Last year i used this on my pot before i put any soil in with neem oil i really bwlive it helped i thought it would gurt my plants doing that to my pot but my plant grew great and i never had a problem with pests all grow

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You look like your almost in spring not here yet in michigan i cant wait til i can start my seeds lol

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Day 20 update: all are looking happy. The duds have been replaced. Ready for a fun spring run now.

I will put them in the hot house aquariums as soon as I repot them. Probably another 2 weeks.

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Let the fun begin.


Day 28 update. I had hoped to put them fully outside by this week. But we had snow and hail and too cold of nights. So soon.

Also, I fell asleep and they got blasted by hail and snow and bent over. That happened yesterday. All of them seem to have survived.
Got a md case of fungus knats. Not from cannabis but from a Keifer lime tree I bought. They were climbing out of it like a party a soon as I got home. So now watering with BT until further notice,

Then these are the gift seed sprouts at day 14. They seem to be doing well.

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Great Read!!..You know Im loving your Tanks and Discus…Ive talked to you before about them…I’m a former Discus owner…I love those fish…I miss my tank,soon maybe!!..Your plants look healthy and the length of those tails…WOW…and what a nice generous guy giving you those seeds!! Cant wait to see what becomes of those plants!!

I hear ya!.. Back in the day… :laughing: I would have…I have so much and dont smoke anywhere near like back then…I have so much I’m actually giving it away…and still I have a lot,Go figure?

Thats sounds like something I should try…sucks waking up in the middle of the night…!!


I don’t know how you keep track of so many plants! I struggle with just the 8 seedlings I have in tent rn.

Curious your opinion: I’m about 2 weeks into growth from seed for 4 Blue Dream photos. Could I get them outside for a Spring flower in time? 14 hours of daylight starts June 2nd. Thinking I can get them out end of March and should be ripe right as days start to get too long.

Also need to look into revegging - how do you determine how much plant material to leave intact during spring harvest in order to trigger this successfully after the chop?

Keep posting updates, will be following!

Just a couple lower buds is all you need. Leave the roots alone. A nice lower branch and a couple nodes is what I usually leave behind. Those big root balls push up veg growth way faster if there is very little flowering material left. I theorize they the flower hormones slow down the process. I have found removing most of the flower material but a few grams seems to cut the reveg time in half.

Or if one accidentally gets a partial spring flower, by putting out seeds or clones too early, hack away. Leaving the part flowering material on the plant always stalls it out. Hack it off clean to the first couple nodes and the plant will take off veg again at light speed.


Day 35 update. Weather looks favorable to get these outside in the next day or two. No more freezes on the horizon. :sun_with_face: I set the indoor lights to 12/12 this week. Outdoor is right about 12/12 right now at my latitude.

Sunny morning, but rain is expected by this afternoon.

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ILGM Maui Wowie, 11-1-2023.
the rest of this plant is hanging.
Need to practice hang/dry/cure (need test the MW).
Terminated grow for shaped re-veger.
My real question would be
What she will look like in May when I get her outdoors.
Trying her for flowering clones, too.

@noddykitty1 weekend weather predicted, above 60-F, first time since Oct.
No Rain either.
Current deluge putting 2 ft snow in mountains.


Thank you for the pic the visual is super helpful! Do you have a picture of how it looked after growing back?

Looks the same, currently.
Just started the process on this candidate.
The hanging trimmed well and is in the jar now.
Definitely, I will provide pictures, when available.

Structure is perfect.
Bud formation perfect.
Re-veg now and come June, and we shall see.


Ladybugs arrived and dispersed.
Re-veg plant is in seedling tent with lower lighting.
Great day to move plants and dig holes in yard.

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It’s your cake day Dave. Happy cake day.

Thank’s to all Cana-cake Day Wishers.
What a day, sunshine in the PNW. awesome.

Shhh don’t tell anyone. Seattle traffic is bad enough. I hear you, best 2 days all year so far. Time to bust out the kiddie pool and sunglasses before the rain starts again. Ha

Wow… compliments to you!
Love your setup - the dedication!
Your an example to us newbies