Spider mites in marijuana grow room 2 weeks before harvest

My marijuana garden only has two weeks left but it’s been infested with spider mites. Will the mite webs affect potency or anything else? Is there any way to get rid of these mites prior to harvest?

No one would want vegetables that were covered in mites, and you certainly wouldn’t want to smoke them. It might not be harmful to smoke them, but it won’t be nice and will smell awful. To get rid of spider mites near harvest, try spraying the marijuana plants with neem oil that’s certified for food plants. Neem oil is an all-natural pesticide/miticide and it comes from a particular species of tree. You can find many brands on the internet.

Clusters of mites have become resistant to pyrethrum, but others can be devastated by it. You can purchase foggers and sprays of pyrethrum at many nurseries. It is also all-natural and produced from plants similar to the chrysanthemum. Mites have a tendency to go to the top of a plant. You should turn the branches upside to get rid of the mites post-harvest because they’ll go straight to the top where they can be removed.


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Nuke Em! Check it out you may be surprised. Power Wash helps but I haven’t tried it.