Sour diesel great white shark white widow auto grow

I would be more than happy to help you with your new grow.
Just let me know when




Since you invited me to this question, I will answer you.

No. You should never use a 24/0 photo period. It goes against nature and proper photo synthesis cannot occur if the plants never rest. I personally veg under 14/10 to 16/8 maximum. I suggest you lower your photo period. I hate to see new growers start out with bad advice and using questionable grow methods.

Hope this helps someone. Peace, lw


OK @latewood Iā€™m putting them on 18/6 as we speak. Thanks for the help sir! :grin:

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Iā€™ve even done my autoā€™s on a 12 12 if you decide to do more if youā€™re doing a photo grow but I agree with Lakewood 18 / 6 works best on the autos everybody has to have a little rest even our plant to great growing


@Hogmaster I agree and it really does make sense. Because they are living things like usšŸ˜Ž thanks lights just went out!


How many do you have going

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Still the 3

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I had 2 sour diesel and 1 great white but one of the sour didnā€™t germinate so Iā€™m germinating 1 ilgm ww autos. That makes 3 autos plus the five photos in my other journal. I plan to put the white widow with the photos. @Hogmaster

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Thatā€™s a great idea my best autos Iā€™ve grown have been on a 12 on 12 off and they were white widow iā€™m excited for my chronic widow see how this one turns out it sure looks delicious on the site

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The ww will be on 12/12 lighting because the photos are in flower now so that will be an experiment in itself. Itā€™s a lot for a first time grower but itā€™ll be fun. I tried ordering the chronic widow but my payment wouldnā€™t go thru. I ll be following your grow though because I still want them. @Hogmaster

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Do you need me to link you to it or have you found it I started growing last year in August for the first time indoors and I did the same thing started with two and ended up with eight throughout the entire grown I couldnā€™t stop LOL but it gets to a point That you have to stop because they will double and triple in size when they go on at 12 on 12 off flowering cycle the photos well anyhow

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Yeah you could. I probably have seen it but I have a short memory. I know I have seen your grow matter fact but tagging me would make it easieršŸ˜€

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Sour dieselā€™s I ordered some February 16 didnā€™t show said they resent March 1 still nothing but I have ordered well over a half dozen different orders hopefully I get them tomorrow Or if they resend again Iā€™m so ready for them I actually got my chronic windows before my sour diesel and I ordered them before i won the chronic windows I know theyā€™ll take care of let me theyā€™ve been great thus far

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Yeah I ordered the ww autos in January and just got them Saturday. I got my other seeds from another site. I wasnā€™t never mad because this forum was worth the 55$.

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This brings up one of my favorite analogyā€™s in regard to Plants and Humans.

Look at the label ingredients on any multi-vitamin. Now; Look at the ingredients on your nutrient bottle.

Now; Tell me what if anything you conclude from this information. :slight_smile:


OK I got home and I found what looks to be a nutrient burn from miracle grow soil on my sour diesel auto

so I transplant both of my autos. Now I donā€™t know if they will survive. But I have more seeds if they do. I transplant to organic jiffy soil and will use this probably throughout the grow. @garrigan62 you were right.

I think it didnā€™t bother my photo plants because my pH water was so low at 6.0 or lower (was using drops) or maybe autos are more sensitive. Plus the ffof I was going to use has bugs in it. So no more of thatā€‹:roll_eyes::triumph:


I donā€™t blame you at all. if ya want iā€™ll send you what i use.


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Please do sir. It would be greatly appreciatedšŸ˜ @garrigan62

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My great white shark seedlings leaves are pointing upwards. Does anyone know why? Thanks