Try not to stress so much. If your ppm’s are at 700, that doesn’t mean there’s a problem. Its just telling you that you could up the feeding doses a little. But if your pH is not in the correct area then your plants can Iock the nutes out again. Until you figure out what is making your pH spike, your just gonna have to pH the water/nutes down. I will let abouttime guide you on this. Good luck!! Peace…
@patchman, is on the right track…not sure if you fed at all yet. But next watering when its dry, add nutes to 800ppm. Add them proportionately to the ratios on the chart…if those are 5 gal pots, no more than a gallon of water. After you hit or get close to the ppm. I would ph to 6.3.
Check your runoff if there’s any. If not, don’t worry. Sit back and let’s see her get better. The ph will fluctuate as it dries out. Just goes to show you how high it was.
Next feeding after that is just plain water.
Stick with 6.5ph. Soil has a tendency to drop ph after a while even when fed properly at 6.5. Hence some people (myself included) will do a flush during predetermined stages of growth. I like to do a nice flush a week before I flip. And sometimes I flush halfway during flower if I notice ANY issues… I also like to use a product called SLEDGEHAMMER when I flush and periodically during the grow to get rid of salts (nutes) so she starts with a fresh base of nutes and gets refreshed every 4 weeks or so to prevent problems like you had, and at the flush before harvest.
Good luck @DebbieM
ok, I’ll get some. Thanks. I just felt it was pretty important to get those ph levels right before I fed them then I just did 1/2 strength ff trio first 2 and cal mag first. Didn’t hit 800
What were the ppms?
729 Sprout, and 783 for Clara, they each had 1/2 gal of nutes w/cal mag
would it just be better to replace all the soil in the pots, start out fresh, kinda?
Noooo…you might as well drop new beans…you can definitely stress the plant out and kill it the way it is now IMHO…repotting can be done carefully but you’ll be waiting it out another month or so to see if it goes well.
the ppms are good for this feed…let em eat…as long as your in veg cycle, these will get better and you can do a new fresh everything if you like on your next grow. You and I and everyone else here has invested alot of the time for those 2 girls…lol…let’s get em green and flip em. It’ll be a learning experience for the rest of your grow studies so you’ll know what to do and what to expect…still another adventure lies ahead with flowering. Trim off the dead crispy leaves and full yellow ones…they should fall off as you touch them.
abouttime is right. If you do a transplant and the girls don’t do well, then all of your efforts have gone down the drain. Now that you know how to get your pH down, the girls can eat and get healthy. Then you can flip them to flower. I would get them back on track so you can get what you want out of them. Now might be a good time to figure out how you can fix your pH problem- different soul or using distilled water. I know it must seem like you’ve been bombarded with issues, but these issues help you learn to be a better grower. I will be learning the rest of my life. I am gonna have to if I want to continue to grow. It’s all about looking at what your plant is telling you. I have only skimmed the surface of this. I think you have decided to go with abouttime’s guidance. He has given you good advice, stick with it. Hopefully we will have some pictures of those two back green and groovy soon. Peace…
@abouttime @kaptain3d @Jaydawg6528 @HappyHydroGrower @CalamityJane @afgVet @Covertgrower @Hellraiser @ @Kinglouida13th @yoshi Patch I just love you, I agree wholeheartedly I just experienced a moment of despair. Abouttime is absolutely right Everyone on this forum almost has a stake in my girls, a piece of advice taken, a picture to inspire, a lot has gone in to them, not just my effort, the amount of time abouttime has spent carefully explaining things in such detail alone it’s a lot. I am not giving up. Right now I’m just waiting for them to get dry enough to water, gonna try to get the ppms up to 800/850 (I got a chart from Patch) but first have to check that my ph didn’t jump back up again. I’m just gonna do what abouttime says, so that’s waiting til they get a healthy green. That was a crazy idea: replace the dirt. I can’t see that going well at all.
Sprout is a little bit darker green underneath, and Clara Gonna be patient, wait, measure, if they can be revived then I will revive them! They are getting little hairs and I am getting grey hairDebbie-
It was not a crazy idea to change the soil out. You’re are just trying to figure out what you can do to fix it. You had an idea. You aired it. In this case it probably wasn’t the best thing to do right now. Keep thinking about it. Is it the water or the soil that causes the spike in pH. If you determine its the soil, then you can just switch to a better soil. If it’s the water than you can think about what kind of water will work. You now know the problem is the pH. You know that by lowering the pH that goes in it rises to the appropriate level when it’s in the soil. You can see the girls are telling you thank you by turning back to a healthy green. It really is all about what the plant is “telling” you. You get better at reading it with more experience. In the wide world of plants this plant is a ferrari- it loves lots of light and food. In my somewhat crazy mind, it’s similar to any recipe. All the ingredients have to be there for your “cannabis cake” to come out good. The ingredients are soil, light, air, and food. And the ingredients have to be in the right amount. Now you know there’s an ingredient that’s not the right kind or there’s too much of it. That may not make any sense to you. Maybe it does. I am kind of tired, and of course Bud wants out again. I don’t know if you have seen Bud, he’s a rescue dog. Who couldn’t use a little bud? Here that rat fink is
Little stinker. He is up and down til around 2:00 in the morning. Have a good one. "The one eyed man sees green in your future… peace…
This is Maxie, my therapist says he’s an emotional support dog, also a rescue, this guy very entertaining.
You are totally right about everything up there, but what did I know? I didn’t have any of the tools needed to do this in this day and age. Now I am more or less prepared with the meters and solutions and all the stuff accumulated so far and the stuff still to get at least I’m prepared for the second grow as far the basic stuff. Thanks for all the emotional support Patch, really mean that, and thanks for sticking up for @Jaydawg6528
You are more than welcome. I cannot talk about that incident. If I do they could suspend me from the forum. Their website, their rules. I think it is a good rule overall. I made the decision to respond as I did and I know better. The proper thing to do would have been either ignore it, or flag it to the site administrators could review. @Myfriendis410 please correct me if I am explaining this wrong to her.
You will get better at growing and I will too. It amazes me how many “old hippies” there are on the forum. The fact that there is even a forum and marijuana is legal in some states still blows my mind. I live in the state that will be the last to approve medical or recreational use. Everything here is secret, and if you are caught the penalty is high. If they find multiple jars it’s distribution. If they find your home defense weapon that adds to the charges. I have told the story before of a guy and his wife drove from Vegas to a town south of where I am. He had a medical card. They found 3 joints. He got 8 years. So cruel and unfair. Like Ed Rosenthal says, “If you don’t want to get caught, don’t tell, don’t smell, and don’t sell.” Well, time for some shut eye. I sure do wish there was some treatment for sleep apnea that didn’t involve your nose or mouth. I go untreated because it increases my pain. I am always tired. My sleep study said I got 8 minutes of deep restful sleep out of 8 hours. My average apnea (where you stopped breathing) was 18 seconds. The longest was somewhere around 38 seconds. I had 37 sleep disturbances an hour. All just a bunch of numbers. Yes, I have not woken up in the last 35 years feeling refreshed and ready to go. Am I going to let that keep me from doing the things I enjoy? Nope. I let the pain win every once in awhile, but the fatigue I refuse to bow to. No matter how bad life gets, there are always so many who are worse off than me. Keep 'em green Debbie. Sorry for the “blueberry book.” Peace…
@patchman your a very good person, with a very good heart ,and that’s seriously a rare thing anymore, especially in this crazy world, but I’ve watched and paid attention to the way you respond to @DebbieM and I gotta say, you’ve been great, I wish I could answer some things in the way you do, but she’s another good person with a great heart and deserves someone to be patient and take the time to explain to her, I’m doing what I can to help her myself, and feel an obligation to do so, but the way you explain stuff is truly great, VERY understandable and NEVER show any sign of irritation or frustration, just a nice, smooth, understandable explanation to whatever issue she runs into and I love it, MUCH RESPECT!!!
With as many members as there are here it’s inevitable that there will be some friction. We have a zero tolerance policy that frankly makes this a much more welcoming forum than any of the other ones I’ve poked into. You can be confident that you will not be made fun of or bullied or cursed at here. There are no stupid questions, we were all new at one time and we are all here for the same thing: grow great cannabis.
You are and have been a good contributing member here and not in any trouble at all.
That is all. Carry on lol.
Thank you sir! It was the profession I was in when I worked. I was a social worker who helped and empowered people. I have the ability to empathize with others and put myself in their shoes. I have always been that way. I am an emotional sponge who soaks up everything I come into contact with. This forum was so great to find, and helping new growers without judging or belittling is great for new growers like myself. It help builds confidence and experience. Then, when you have learned some you get to pay it forward by helping others. I certainly don’t have all the answers, but I usually know who might, and tag them to provide guidance. I thank you sir for your kind words. I have to ask you about your thread title. Is this one the last time you will ever post? That’s kind of what it sounds like. Gotta run. Take care, be safe, and good luck in your garden!! Peace…
Hi @DebbieM, I gotta say they look much better. The green at the bottom is starting to spread…Feed em!!!.don’t worry about your ph now…just feed at 6.5 or water at 6.5…no more flushes, overwatering, or underwatering…mix for a gallon of water and use only 3/4 of a gallon. We don’t want to drown her again and we want her to get on a regular schedule to greatness. It’s going to take a little while longer, but It’ll be worth it.
Before you feed, pop off any very yellow leaves again and any with burnt edges…keep it to 2 or 3 leaves per branch to defoliate, even if there are more than that. If it has some green leave it.
By the way, awesome job tying down those ladies and training them so well.
@DebbieM yes they do look much better, your doing great and your patience I would pay for!!
No choice on the patience, Louida. Not given a say in the matter. I am just going to obey @abouttime 's every command, suggestion or even hint. I am so lucky I found this site, you and @Jaydawg6528 @abouttime and of course @patchman . Lucky for me I found everyone, but these people are special, found them right away, like magnets or something, stayed positive for me even at my most obtuse. So, tho I may be having some problems with my girls, I have confidence that they will be solved in time, cuz even if abouttime doesn’t know then Patch knows someone who knows or knows someone who knows. I don’t know how he knows who he knows, but he does know and that’s what matters. I hope one day to be one of the ones he knows who knows, you know?
@DebbieM hey I’m sorry I haven’t been tagging you, I will certainly start, even if it’s stuff I know you prolly wouldn’t know, you can learn through it, as that’s what this is for, and I have confidence that between all of us, you’ll come out a winner your strongest skills are your patience and willingness to learn, and therefore willing to listen so keep up and you’ll have a plentiful harvest soon!
Even if you don’t tag me I nosy my way over to last topic ever and I check on you and certain others, always looking for a nice bud pic or interesting tidbit of info, crazy weed idea or just whatever. Like I’m looking forward to try @yoshi molasses tea sometime in the future. We are going to get good at growing and have fun with it too. But don’t get me wrong I’m Smart, really smart and I will learn all this science stuff and use it to grow AMAZING Weed, yeah. And we learn from our mistakes. I already learned from some of my mistakes, and look forward to many more in the future. I feel really bad for @Jaydawg6528 , did you see? It’s devastating. He’s stricken. I want to do something but like what? Send a condolence card? Hop on a plane and go there and make them Grandma Deb’s chicken soup? He’ll pick himself up and dust himself off and start all over again, like getting back on the horse. You can tell that’s how he is, but this hurts, he put ALOT of work in the new grow shed, labor of love turns around and bites you in the ass. Not fair at all. I should shut up now