Something going on with my outdoor grow

We just came out of weeks of poor weather up until the Tropical Storm just passed. I moved the plants into the garage under for the past 4 days, lighting matched to the same daylight hours.

I moved the plants back outside last night. This morning I notice some of the leaves not looking good. I have been treating them with Growers Alley 3-in-1 (with fungicide) about weekly.



Sorry, Happy Frog, 10gal, advanced nutrients base + B52, Big Bud, Bud Candy (alternating last two at each watering).

@Incognito @Lostgirl ? Mag deficiency? Fungus?

It’s a little tough to tell from a picture. (For me anyway). The leaf drooping and the slight discolor my best guess would be over or under watering maybe some heat stress in there as well.

I also noticed from your list of nutrients you do not have calmag included.

I always add 150ppm to each watering to eliminate any calcium magnesium deficiencies.

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Tis the season for Septoria it’s the first thing I thought of when I seen this

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Oh yeah. I use calMag as well so I didn’t think it was a mag deficiency. I was thinking fungus or septoria. I have been diligent with treating with grower’s alley fungicide, crop defender 3 and most recently their 3-in-1.

Best treatment? Plants are in flower.

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Those pictures are a little better. Septoria will normally have thin brown circle around the spots. I don’t see that from your image.

I would get some more opinions

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@MidwestGuy @Covertgrower looking for a little guidance if you can?


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Are you looking how to get potassium in your medium?
Sorry the question isn’t clear to me.

No, I’ve noticed the leaves on this plant looking a bit funky (see above) and was unsure of the cause.

I thought maybe a mag deficiency but I do use cal mag in my feeding regime. I also proactively have been treating with Grower’s Ally for insect and fungi prevention.

Then potentially thought perhaps it’s fungi. I’m on the coast and we’ve had high humidity and rain (I keep them under cover when it rains) and even rigged up some fans for while under cover to add some additional airflow.

But the more I look at pictures online leads me to think it’s potentially a potassium deficiency. But I’m not sure.

I feed with advanced nutrients ph perfect (listed above) and feeding at about 50% of their published feed chart, so about 8ml/gal each).

Looking for a potential diagnosis.

I agree with you, but wanted to verify this is what you were asking.
Potassium deficiency signs remind me of black spots on bananas so I’ve never forgotten what the signs are. Lol. Silly way of remembering but I haven’t forgotten.



Ok. Took me a minute to get to that diagnostic but I’m learning.

I also have a nitrogen tox starting. So I will flush with ph water to 20% runoff, then I’m going to treat with banana peel tea.

Sound correct?

Or is there a better way to feed for the potassium deficiency?

Nitrogen tox below

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Banana peel tea will work, it may take a little time to get broken down into something usable, but workable.
Check your flowering line, it should have additional K in the formula. Most flower boosters do.

I see the N tox but I would back off the N before I flushed, it’s only starting, but not to a point that would concern me. Maybe water only a few times?
Just my personal opinion.


Good Afternoon, @Covertgrower

I backed down the N and boosted the K a bit on the last feed. The plant with the N problem I flushed with distilled water.

Now, I noticed today that I’m seeing more yellowing on lower and mid leaves across a few plants.
I’m not sure where to go from here. I added a quart of the banana tea to each plant this morning. Any additional advice on what my next step should be?

Lower leaf loss is to be expected at this stage in my opinion. The lowest leaves are the oldest leaves, and they’ll die first because they’re the oldest, and they don’t get much sun down there.
Poorly worded but I think you get what I’m saying.

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It seems to be getting worse, and heading up the plants. Is it possible it’s a sulphur deficiency?

The pics below are from a Few days ago, worse now.

If so, add epsom salt?

Update Aug 23 - looking for guidance

@Incognito @Covertgrower @Lostgirl @MidwestGuy

Outdoor grow location 1

2 of the plants seem to be getting worse. I still feel like something is going on and it’s not just plant age, other plants look ok for the most part. Feeding with advanced Nutrients.

-2 of 4 plants seem to be struggling
-10 gal fabric pots with drainage discs below

  • 2” perlite in the bottom of each pot
  • Plants are around 6ft tall
    -Last several feeds I added banana tea
    -Increased the amount of P&K last 2 feeds
    -Today I’m going to feed only ph water and measure ph & ppm
    -location 1 does not have as much sunlight as location 2 grow.
  • condition worsening in 2 of 4, spreading toward the upper section of the plants.


@ChittyChittyBangin @Bunger64

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@Growdoc ?

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Lack of sunlight can definitely be a factor losing leaves here.

This also can be a factor. Nitrogen is still needed in flowering, but not as much.
Anything to add @OGIncognito I want to make sure VBGrower gets a good assessment.