Can someone enlighten me whats i am doing wrong?
Welcome to the community ! Support ticket With a little history info will help growers to give you a hand . My 1st thoughts plant looks to be a little hungry.
Here ya go
Strain; Type, Bag Seed, Or Na
Soil In Pots, Hydroponic, Or Coco?
System Type?
Ph Of Runoff Or Solution In Reservoir?
What Is Strength Of Nutrient Mix? Ec, Or Tds
Indoor Or Outdoor
Light System, Size?
Temps; Day, Night
Humidity; Day, Night
Ventilation System; Yes, No, Size
Ac, Humidifier, De-humidifier,
Co2; Yes, No
Add Anything Else You Feel Would Help Us Give You A Most Informed Answer. Feel Free To Elaborate. Strong pictures help a lot.
Welcome to the community.
2x outdoor plants. Seeds were given to me so i do not know the strain. Planted in potting mix. No idea of ph or other chemical data
That’s your problem right there… pH plays a huge role… then PPM of nutrients. If you don’t know either you will struggle the whole grow.
I would have thought the effect of ph would affect more generally the plant
PH is basically the engine that drives the plant and has specific ranges by medium used. Without proper PH, macro and micro nutrient uptake is greatly affected
Hy and welcomed to the community @Forthefunofit
Like @kellydans said and @OGIncognito
Ph and nutriends look that need balance
Happy growing
@kellydans @OGIncognito @Mefis
Thanks for your input. Showed a pic to the local hydro supplier. He took one look at it and said nitrogen deficiency. As he saw a pic of the whole plant and pointed out discolouration was starting at the bottom and working its way up.
Have added some nutrients to sort out.
Yeah , you got plenty of time get on board with feeding , good Bloom nutes also has nitrogen. Good luck finishing up !
Good morning yes like @kellydans said they get hungry
Just curious, how often do you water? How has your weather been cold, wet, dry? It looks like you are losing some bottom veg. up to half way. Have you treated for weeds in your yard? It looks like you have some nice little buds started and the plant looks like it has good color on the top half. How old is it? I sometimes lose my bottom foliage when I get ready to harvest, but it looks like you have a little way to go. Hard to tell but are the tips brown? Could be hungry because she’s budding or maybe a little root bound. I would trim a few of the dead leaf and see what happens their not doing any good right now but taking what nutes you have in the soil and using energy, water and sun to try to heal. it could just be that time of life. Plantapause
@Cat1 @Spiney_norman Thank you for your replies and observations. About 3 weeks ago we had some terrible rain that lasted for 10 days almost without a break. I didnt think at the time to shelter them as i was boots deep in community help for unfortunate people that had or were losing everything. I must admit i thought later this could be a problem. It has since been very sunny with minimal rain
I water approximately once every two days, depending on pot weight. I did feed them daily for the last three days to get some nutes into them, but now back to the if it a bit light i water them regime
@Forthefunofit did the yellowing start before or after the rain? Do you have new growth and is it yellow? If it started after the rain and you have new growth thats not yellowing, you might have just washed the natural nutes from your pot. I agree a little bloom food wouldn’t hurt. I would research that deal with the stem, you might have a fungal thing, Reach out to some of the more experienced farmers on the sight who might have seen this before on how to treat. Sometimes the hardest thing to do is leave it alone. I don’t think its being overwatered unless you see some of the tips of the leaf turning brown, not under watered because its not wilting. That leaves food and light. Yellow leaf not doing any good just blocking light and making plant want to focus energy on fixing problem and taking focus from buds and trying to reproduce.
@Cat1 Thanks again mate. That gives me a bit of confidence. I haven’t really done anything other than clear yellowing leaves and feed some nutes. They get all day sun and new growth is healthy. I am removing new bud sites that are (in my amateur opinion) not really going to eventuate into anything significant. From the excellent experience of others i reckon i have a month left before havest so just trying to promote the buds i have and to feed them well. Its my first grow for some 40 years. Knowledge and sharing has come leaps and bounds. Its quality over quantity for me.