I got my first auto flowers seeds soaking for a week. Girl Scout opens fast 1/8 inch tail in 4 days. Gorilla Glue opening now with a 1/16 root tail.
Bruce Banner is slow it’s opening but is surrounded my a milky looking substance.
You may want to put that BB in a new cup of distilled water with a few drops of peroxide. Like ½ teaspoon per cup of water. That film can cause issues. Soak it in the solution for about 15 minutes then go to a wet paper towel. Fold the paper towel in half 1 time, and put on a plate in a dark space. Don’t let it dry out.
You shouldn’t soak your seeds more than 18-24 hours. Then move them to a paper towel as described. This is a very common method on this forum. Some go straight to dirt, or skip the paper towel. Keeping them soaking for a week is a sure fire way to drown them.
@LoudDream Here is how I do it. I soak seeds 18 to 24 hours. I then transfer to damp toilet paper in a freezer ziplock bag. I seal it up. I then wait 48 hours before transferring to their forever home. I place domes over where I put the seeds till the leaves touch the sides.
Now I do check the ziplock bag so the toilet paper don’t dry out and kill the tap root.
You can use a hydrogen peroxide and water mixture for soak seeds. Ratio not sure on. I didn’t use much. I tried this and it didn’t
help with a stubborn seed.
As stated above. Don’t soak more than 24 hours as you run the risk of killing the seed. It will turn to mush and is now worthless.
I was following the guide line set by ILGM germination policy (at least I thought). So you think this is lost cause and start over on the Bruce Banners?
I got the Girl Scout in soil covered with an Oven Bag in 3 gallon pot. Dries out fast bag definitely helps. Like the idea of the baggie thing plus I don’t have to go down 2 flights of steps to basement.
I like guys who are strong and Opinionated. You know where you stand. Plus I spend a night in a foxhole with you, I wouldn’t worry about you falling sleep.
If all else fails you can just drop the seed into some soil and mist the top and keep keep it warm say 75 degrees. Will pop up in about a week. Plant about 1/2 below surface of soil
Germination has been pretty simple for me but only if your water heater is in a closet. I’ve been doing this for years:
Soak a white cheap paper towel folded like 8 times with seeds in the middle. Place paper towel in sandwich bag. Open or unopen bag doesn’t matter. Put the sandwich bag on top of your water heater and close the door. Check it in 24 hours. I literally have had 100% germination with this method for years. It’s the warmth that a seed needs that sometimes doesn’t get mentioned
I buy the cheapest paper towels I can get so, on top of :
Right lighting and timing
Watering correctly
Air Circulation
And Roots growing in paper towel
Think I am getting it.
Heck I listened to Steve Earl “ Copper Road” he made it sound easy?
Here are my Bruce Banner auto after soaking in cup of water with 1/2 teaspoon peroxide and in a damp paper towel.
One nothing the other one that is open color doesn’t look right to me.
I think I am having the same issue you had with Fox Soil and Auto plants. I have transplanted 6 seeds with tap roots 3/4 inch long put in hole using the pencil method tap root down.
Have seed pots covered with over bags soil is kept moist check it 3 to 4 times a day.
Temp 75 to 73 everytime I check humidity 45-54%. Lights 4 to 6 inches away.
Any suggestions I am all ears.
BTY I got the HLG light assembled could immediately feel the quality difference heatsink find 50% taller. The photo is just my existing Enfun lights.
I am two weeks in with these seeds and nothing breaking soil.
I tried another 2 Bruce Banner seeds in a napkin put inside a baggy and placed it on top of hot water heater and nothing. That’s after 3 weeks.
I have a total of 4 Bruce Banners that didn’t germinate.
Also. I have Had no luck getting the Girl Scout cookie and gorilla glue to grow and fox farms ocean soil after the seeds germinate. What soil would you recommend ? I am
Placing Directly into 3 gallon cloth bags keeping the soil moist with a fine spray mist planting the seeds using the pencil method inserting a pencil in the ground then taproot down in lightly cover the seed.
Hey thanks a lot and let me know what you think and how I should proceed on returning the seeds.