It’s common sense and very well known you don’t get as much off autos as you do photos because you don’t control the flowering stage or the veg stages, veg stage can only take two weeks with autos, and another plant of the same strain auto could veg for four weeks, one be bigger than the other, they’re were created to be smaller and easier to grow than photos, and survive colder climates, which is probably why they don’t grow as well as fems because they’re genetically modified or some But I know a few people who grow autos and get loads off them, indoors too, in fact I don’t think I know anyone who grows autos outdoors, and my glue gelato is about 20” tall now and in ore flower and think I’ll get a little over an oz off her maybe two judging by the sizes of other people’s I’ve watched, I’ll be happy with that as a first time beginner grower As I have three plants on the go so anything from 2-6 ozs altogether to make me last until a couple more plants are done and I can get the hang of everything I need equipment and nutrient side of things down to a T to do feminised I’ll stick with autos for now, still have about 20 other different statin autos to do after These lol, I hope you ain’t put me off
I think a lot of it has to do with strain and breeder.
I grew a round of Frisian dew autos and got 3 plants with about 1/2 lb ea. Indoor.
This run with some Hawaiian gold autos was a bit less. (. Not dry yet ). I’ll do well to see 3 zips off the first one. Might get 4-5 off the other.
Still nice fat nugs but no volume.
For our outdoor season an auto can work quite well. If started at the correct time.
But more plants required to get the same amount as photos.
You’re going to love photos. I never understood why anyone would push autos on a beginner. A big mistake on an auto can be unrecoverable to a beginner where a photo can be brought back to life from the brink of death.
Yeah I think I’ll order some photos at the end of July to do in a few months time when I can get the right equipment, what do I need for photos in soil? Do they need heat requirements etc or can they be grown indoors the same as autos just different light schedules?
@Oldguy see if I got 4-5 zips per plant off mine I’d be over the moon especially for my first batch! But I don’t think looking near that, one of them is a cream mandarine and it’s a fact they grow quite short but turn out one massive Xmas tree looking bud, like 20-30g quite commonly, and glue gelato and a cosmic
Bomb I have, all autos, but I’d be happy with an oz off each especially as its for personal use anyway I’m not looking to profit off of it or anything like that, to help with my ptsd and pain relief etc, so a few quick plants for now to get a bit of decent smoke off without providing some street chump my money and providing to further issues in society I just decided grow my own Give my daughter something to learn on the side as she grows up too in case it’s ever legalised here
I did one photo a couple years ago in my grandfathers back garden but planted it straight in the soil was a strawberry cheesecake but I didn’t have a clue what I was doing it got HUGE but didn’t dry it or cure it properly so it was trash but it actually grew surprisingly well just off of bio bizz fish mix nutrients all the way through
Pretty much same as autos. Food. Water. Love. ( but not too much of the latter. )
Same temp and rh requirements for both.
I’ve had my best results with autos at 18/6
Last run with my autos on 12/12 and they took just as long as the photos to finish.
So was of no benefit really in the end.
It’s all about the daily light integral and vpd.
If you can get these on point then photo or auto you’ll get the best results that you can get.
Thanks buddy! I pretty much got my temps and RH down perfect, water PH and everything all good, only nutrients I’ve been using is bio bloom by bio bizz, just to try it out as it was quick and easy to get hold of, and they’re on a 20/4 light schedule all the way through pretty much, my mate gives his 24 but I didn’t wanna do that lol, felt they deserved SOME rest
Just dropped 4 photos for the first time, have grown some really nice autos this past year , but as people have said they are hit and miss and a bitch to recover . Yield are hit and miss for me too, average about 3 Oz per plannt.
maybe where yall live @BobbyDigital, but they dont tolerate 4 feet of snow to good!
I mean autos were first created here in Canada by a guy named Sasha, his original intent was to make mini plants as curiosities and window plants like herbs. He realized that they could be flowered under high light hours and that was a bonus for Canadian growers. Later they realized that they could get more dope off them if grown in bigger pots or open ground.
Honestly, its not really that big of an advantage, because most if us northern growers start our plants early under lights…including veggies before we plant out. I prefer bigger dope and dont mind waiting for it. I get way more weed than I can use!