So I’m Looking for a very simple to set plug for my ES 180 green sunshine light with a very easy to use app. I don’t need Alexa/ google/ home kit automation, just the ability to easily change lighting sequences for the flip or experiment with 20/4or 18/ 6 settings
So basically a smart plug for dummies. I see , wyze, TP LINK and kasa recommended on line but no discussion on ease of use…simplicity etc.
So would appreciate any recommendations for doofuses like me…
I’m using them in 2 different tents and am running a HLG 350R on one and the HLG Diablo in the other.
The app is straight forward and easy to use. I have Govee bluetooth hygrometers in both tents and these use the same app to control. In fact, you use that app for all the Govee bluetooth/wifi stuff.
Got this one at harbor freight. Pretty simple, but does use military time, but that’s no big deal. Just 100 to 2400, so 7:30 pm is 1930. 7:30 in the morning would be 0730. Easy to use. You just push the program button and the on setting for time on, and the program button again and the off setting for iMessage off, and the auto setting for both, and that’s it.
I use that timer for my cloner. I forget how to set it every time I want to change settings, LOL
The easiest instructions are here: NEARPOW Digital Timer Switch Manual - Album on Imgur
Mods if this link isn’t allowed please delete.
Also with smart plugs, if your internet is out at a on or off event it won’t switch. With a power outage if it is on it will not restart till the next cycle without your intervention.