Soil in pots Coco,compost / vermiculit/Pearlite mix
Growing Outdoor.
The two on the right are about four weeks old, They started in a greenhouse and were a bit heat stressed but outside now (bottom of Australia) The biggest is only 4cm tall
PH is ok according to my test kit and using tank water (not too much)
I have just started giving them a feed of miracle grow in desparation
I don’t want to put them in bigger pots yet because of their size
Any thoughts appreciated.
No expert here but they look underwatered too me. Try to keep them moist, they are pretty young. That direct sunlight can be lethal if they are too dry, they like to be moist when getting their sun. But not on the leaves. I think they need a little bit of shade until they get bigger. Keep them in the sun for sometime while moist them some shade thats what I would do. They look heat stressed… Just my 2 cents…
Hello friend merry Christmas to you …
For the Autoflowers you have you should not transplant them stress will stunt them and for autos thats the worst thing you could do
Now for that picture i see different things going on for each plant the smallest one looks good the middle one could be ph or you over feed to early the last looks like the same as number 2 so id think about it this way as the other members said
Keep out of direct sunlight for now and check
Soil more often moist is good …whats you day temps and night temps there if really high then really low big swing could be part of your issue but i grow indoors where 10 degrees from light to dark is standard
Hope this rant helps friend
No miracle grow, check Ph of water, and becareful of overwatering, they Don’t need much now, as far as nutes , look for more Organic types of Start and grow mixes for Cannabis, MG is Not geared for Cannabis, I like Rainbow Mix, Alaska Fish Fertilizer , etc… Look at the Blend in the Rainbow mix !! All organic!!
So your one Auto is dying, not all plants make it sorry, But the fem, WW looks good and Can be planted Directly into tilled soil in the ground ! Try to get some Good Organic soil, mix in some Vemiculite 60 soil and Cocco, mix that all together, dig a large hole at least 2 ft. in diameter and 18 inches deep carefully cut your bag off and place in hole, now add your soil .
Don’t pack it too tightly, you can add some root growth stimulator into the hole before you put your plant in, but that’s all,
Water lightly, Try to put your plant in an area that gets sun but not directly all day as it is going through enough now(stress)
This is a much simpler way to grow than in bags or buckets, Mother Nature takes care of A lot and you can slowly start adding nutes at 6 weeks or so, and you can if you are careful do the same thing with the Auto as well, it Will be stressed for the first 7-10 days but it should be OK if you are careful with the transplant ,
This is an alternative to growing in buckets, you can leave them be and see what happens, chances are they wont get too big, Covering the base of the plant with straw is also a Great idea, protects from rain packing and drying from sun !!!
Fyshtrapp’s on the money only thing I can suggest for ya is to throw a mesh box in the hole, I do 2x2x2 ft 1/2 inch wire mesh cages, keeps gophers, moles, and other pests from sucking them under…
More great advice, thank you.
Unfortunately for security reasons I cannot plant in ground so I will be using bags with compost/ coco/vermiculite and pearlite
As you can see, the girls are looking quite strong, Thanks to the advice on shade. (I always thought the more direct sun the better)
I just have to try and control the little insect issue
<img src=“/uploads/growingmarijuana/original/3X/5/3/536d17b13bf35b0534a4565b9c8289c07b9d9828.jpg” width=“690” height=“388”>
Hi guys, a quick update. Both girls are autos and are both now happy and flowering but stunted. one small (6’‘) and one tiny(2’') this is because of their heat stressed beginning but At least I will get a smoke or two!
10 days ago I planted 3x “Love Potion” autos and thought I’d do a little experiment.
I planted the beans straight into Jiffy pellets and they germed in 4 days.
Then two into the ground with part shade and one into a grow (shopping ) bag.
All are in the same medium- Coco / course Pearlite & Vermiculite/Compost /cow poo/Dynamic lifter with lake weed and Duck poo mulch.
I have had to shade them occasionally with some real hot days but they seem very happy ATM and I will be interested to compare the root balls in due course (there’s positive thinking)
I’ll keep you posted.
Hi All, here’s an update. Firstly I am happy with the way my White Widows turned out, despite trying to kill the poor girls they still kept pushing and produced about 7gr dry of very nice bud. First grow and first taste of WW ( I can recommend it!)
Now my “Stitches Love Potion”
They were planted on the 20th Jan so I hope to harvest soon (I had hoped it would have happened by now) however all Trics are still cloudy, no ambers in sight.
The pot grown girl has had plenty of sun and has been on a wicking bed so good water. She is however displaying a leaf darkening and all three are still sprouting new pistels
compared to the outdoor ones which were in part shade.
This one was tip pruned by an insect very early.
Forgive the photos but the girls are in a stealth position. They do stay small so a good choice maybe for those who wish to keep a low profile.
I am keen to try this strain, I may even take a small premature sample this weekend for a test toke
I have A query re. “Stitches Love Potion” Autos. (I think They may be another strain)
I still have two in the ground and after 90 days they are still not showing signs of finishing, (the were supposed to be 70 I think) most of the fan leaves are still green.
My issue is the weather. It is now well into Autumn and getting cool and wet. I have already nipped off some bud rot.
Do I:
A. Ride it out assuming they may go to 100 days
B. cut my losses and harvest now
C. dig them up and put them in pots in a greenhouse
Your input would be most valued.
BTW the sample I took was very promising