Slight lightening of fan tips. Time for a flush?

I’ve noticed a slight lightening of the tips of the fan leaves. It extends up the length of the serrations of the leaves. Just wondering if it’s time to give my girls a flush. I have been a little “generous”.
I did ph to 6.5 with water and molasses last night at 1tsp/gal. I’m in pro mix and they’re at the 16 week mark in the soil.
Any thoughts @MattyBear or any one else.

Thanks. :v:


Not quite time for flushing yet. Now is the time for flowering boosters. Based on your above picture. @Oldguy


I would just water for the next 2 waterings… :wink:
Should be good to go by then… :wink:
What’s your ph and ppm runoff…?



I do the same with my plants. I feed them until they show slight burn and then I back off slightly with the feedings. I would second what @peachfuzz said and give straight water next time and check your runoff numbers. What nutrients are you using? I know most nutrient lines in Promix want a ph between 5.5-6.2


You’ve been upping your nutes a bit the past few feedings?

Thanks @MattyBear @peachfuzz and @Covertgrower. I’m using GH nutes.
Flora bloom and Kool bloom. And black strap. All feeds and waters at 6.4-6.5 ph.
I haven’t run the big container (75l) tote to runoff yet. It gets 4 l every 2-3 days depending on how deep I have to go to feel moisture to the second knuckle. Other one is in 4 gal container and has had runoff.i will measure ph of runoff from that one at lights on in morn.
Don’t have ppm meter.
Thinking the next couple should be just water as well but wanted to be sure first.

Just to show size diff.heres buckets.
Thanks for your help.


@Sixpackdad. Just the frequency. I’m still at 1 tsp per gal of each but last 5-6 waterings have been feedings.

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@MattyBear. And @peachfuzz. I watered this morn with ph adjusted to 6.4 and runoff was at 5.0.
I’m thinking that’s a bit low. Should it be closer to 6.0-6.2ish. That’s from smaller bucket and I have a few spots on couple leaves from that plant.

Just noticed this morning.
None on other 2 plants in tote. Just aforementioned tips.
This one was almost 3 weeks behind others going into bigger home so was root bound pretty bad.
Thanks for your input. :v:


This is what I’m using for soil.


You want your ph between 5.5-6.2 in Promix. I’d ph at 5.8 because you can cause toxicity or deficiency by feeding outside your medium ph. Basically it will uptake too much of certain nutrients while not allowing others to be uptaken by the roots at all. :v:


@MattyBear. Thanks for reply. My runoff this morn was 5.0ph. Seems a bit low to me. Was wondering where it should be after I make adjustments to my watering and feed p h levels. :v:

I have had my ph levels too high then and I will adjust accordingly. Thank you again.
Peace. :v:


You’re welcome. If you go on YouTube, you can search Promix videos and there are a few that explain why they like a lower ph range :wink::v:


Kool bro. I’ll check them out. Thks and enjoy ur day. Now time to roll one. :v::grin:

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That picture that you posted with the spots kinda has me concerned… have you been checking for pests… ?
If not , you might want too… hopefully I’m wrong…:wink:



@peachfuzz. I have been looking and haven’t seen anything yet today. There’s only 2 leaves affected on that one. I’ll have a look here again just before lights out. Been having a lil issue with humidity running about 28-30 %. Got it up to 53%just about an hour ago and girls are looking better already. Was 34 to start lights on.

I removed them to get a better look.
I see small spots but not sure what.
Any thoughts ?


Do you have a jewelers loupe or micro scope? Mites and aphidsandnithe crawlers are tough to see. The presence of those black dots indicates insect presence.


I believe that pro-mix has some nutrients in it. I thought about trying it as it is inexpensive and very available, but it is a way off from the Pro-mix HP I normally use. It is a different animal. I have had really great results using it with General Hydroponic nutes.

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@Sixpackdad. I had another look at the rest and found them in other places as well. No loupe.

Found more in rest. Damn.

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@Sixpackdad. In first pic there is a brownish spot close to middle upper edge of that fan. Surrounded by darker spots.