Sleddog's 2025 winter grow/flowering closet

Starting my new grow, received seeds in the mail today ordered only Thursday night!
I wanted ILGM Zkittles or Afghan photos but still looks like not shipping to Canada. Someday…
A friend ordered these to my address. So it’s Northern Lights Auto and the freebies are Jack Herer. Here’s where I need help, I want to grow two of each in a 4x4. The Jack will get taller so at the right time (dunno when) bend it so the NL is about even? The Jack might live longer also widowed by the NL. Should be easy enough? If anybody has any reason why these seeds should not be united, speak now or forever hold it in. :nauseated_face: tips on growing two different plants will be welcome too, especially in a couple weeks.


You may want to look at topping them to keep them short. I just cthecked ILGM on those 2 strains (I understand different seed bank) both are 7-10 weeks of flowering give or take 1 or 2 weeks You should be ok with 2 of each in your 4x4 tent in either 3 or 5 gal pots.

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5 gal. I stand corrected, just assumed JH was longer cuz less indica than NL. Right on and I’ll have time to learn more about topping autos. People don’t and people do and get away with it too I’ve been seeing


forgot to add there both compact plants what ever that means LOL. I just harvested 2 ILGM Jack Herer that where both over 3’ tall.


haha damn to me it means 2 to 2.5 feet. Jack Herer is all over the place, wonder if that’s why it’s freebies. Like leftovers. Good reputation?


here are the 2 I just harvested


there we go, looks like good size plants for I guess looks like 3 gallon… sure like to get min 2oz from each, more if I can.

yes 3 gal pots with coco coir. I just checked my notes 7.7 oz between the 2 of them.

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I know ppl say to not hst autos but im not sure if you shouldn’t
This auto was snapped at first node while lst ing her. Then snapped again at one of the off shoots cuz im rather heavy handed. Definitely lost yeild but that was due to me essentially cleaving the plant in half.


still looks like about 10 or 11 tops is that right

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Now that you mention it i never counted so i don’t know.

Above is her few days ago.
Below is her tent mate that had less maiming


Run them, adjust as necessary and you should be good. One thing i would avoid is trying to flower the plants on long light schedule.

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Any reason for that? @dbrn32

The light schedule?

Yeah. I thought autos did their own thing so lighting schedule didn’t really matter


Absolutely! This do their own thing is exactly the reason. If run into some that don’t want to flower in a timely fashion will be the reason your tent is a mess.

All you need to do is keep an eye on how and when they are transitioning. If they all go roughly same time at reasonable size then continue on witj whatever schedule you’re running. If they don’t, please don’t wait until your tent is overgrown to learn the hard way.


Aaahhhh i see what your saying now. Thanks for repeating it a different way so i could comprehend. I had a question everything i was doing moment lol


No problem! Imo, running lights longer is just a way to increase dli without additional up front cost. It doesn’t magically increase yield like some believe. Just increases the amount of daily light energy available to plants. You can achieve same results by having ideal ppfd average and flowering on 12 hour schedule just like a photo plant. Therefore if you can, just run proper light intensity and veg and flower on traditional schedules. You won’t have to mess with autos unless you want to and then will be back to having full control of your grow with same amount of yield potential.


Interesting. I never thought of it in that aspect. I’ve been running a 20/4 with my light raised up and half powered to hit a certain dli when i just could have lowered the hours and blasted them with more light. Have a lot more reading and research to do thank you for that knowledge Anyhooo my apologies @Jaysittinback kinda hijacked your thread. Sorry


Keep in mind ppfd average of your space should be used to calculate dli. Raising and lowering light changes pattern of light, but doesn’t necessarily put more or less photons into your grow space. Using dimming features will.

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