Silkys 1st grow blueberry, northern lights and amnesia autos

Hey all first time grower with the ilgm auto mix pack. Any advice welcome, running 2 x greenfingers 100w leds. Got 1 of each on go all planted 1 week apart.
Planning on running veg mode on lighting until flower then both bloom and veg.

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Looks like you’re all set for the moment. What was the reason you planted them all one week apart?

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@MrMagoo part fear of something going wrong and having enough time to sort the problem partly so I could harvest a week apart all going well I didn’t want to have to give up an entire weekend trimming buds. I’ll put up weekly photos can u keep looking mate and giving your advice where needed? Complete new venture for me

@Covertgrower would u mind keeping an eye on the post and giving advice where u see it needs to be given complete new venture

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The amnesia has popped from the soil. Behind it the blueberry and correction to first post using 1000w greenfinger leds x2. Need all the advice available please im a noob

Welcome. If you can take pictures in natural light it will help us all see your plants better.
You can lift your pots off the floor and set them on boxes or upside down pots etc it can be easier than raising your light up and down while they are still little. Sometimes the last seed to pop can be the first one to finish and vise versa. Even the same strain popped on the same day can be weeks apart at the finish, just so you know :+1:


@Fergus here u go mate took them out for a pic


Pics in order blueberry auto and tallest an unknown purple i got from a friend

And the amnesia haze auto

Ill tag some peeps with mad skills to have a look for you. :+1: @MrPeat @Hellraiser @MattyBear @repins12


Thanks mate appreciate all the help I can get. The big fellow is about 6 weeks but spent the 1st half his life outdoors, recently had a red mite but got rid of that with an natural oil solution. The blueberry is a week and half since germination and the amnesia is a few days since germination tents about 60% humidity 85f or 30c soil ph sitting around 6.5

Filling this out, might help people help you

COPY/PASTE the below list into your forum post.

Answer these simple questions the best you can.
If you do not know, or do not use something; Just say so; Or post
NA (non applicable)

  • What strain, Seed bank, or bag seed
  • Method: Soil w/salt, Organic soil, Hydroponics, Aquaponics, KNF
  • Vessels: Pots, Grow beds, Buckets, Troths
  • PH of Water, Solution, runoff (if Applicable)
  • PPM/TDS or EC of nutrient solution if applicable
  • Indoor or Outdoor
  • Light system
  • Temps; Day, Night
  • Humidity; Day, Night
  • Ventilation system; Yes, No, Size
  • AC, Humidifier, De-humidifier,
  • Co2; Yes, No

Always try to upload a clear picture of any issues you may have to allow the community to assist you.

Add anything else you feel would help us give you a most informed answer should be included. Feel free to elaborate, but short and to the point questions and facts will help us help you in a more efficient manner



Hey bud, thanks for the tag in my post. Looks you’re covered here with some great experience…I’m a newbie too so I’ll tag along for the ride and share what I can. You’re looking good …success!

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Sure. No worries. Do you have plans to upgrade your lighting in the future? That light isn’t the best for more than 1 plant.


@Covertgrower I hadn’t planned to thought buying 2 of those panels would be enough. What do recommend getting? And is it needed more so for the flowering stage? I do have bloom currently mode turned off

Quick observation - you seem to be keeping your soil very damp? (maybe its the lighting) The Unknown Purple (second one) is showing signs of being overwatered/overwatered. Stick to the basics at this stage - don’t over water, don’t overfeed - just let them do their own thing for the first couple of weeks. Maybe leave one alone, practice LST on another, and try something different with the third. Learn your own style, that’s the fun of it!

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don’t get too caught up in perfection, your first few grows are a learning curve, you will screw up and with each screw up you’ll learn a new lesson. I grow 3 at a time just like you and I always leave one alone to grow just the way nature intended. I trick around with the other 2 - LST, pruning, tying etc… develop your own style!

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Anything by HLG will work well. You’re in a 4x4?

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@MrMagoo the unknown purple only getting water every 2/3 days when the soil dries out. Think the pic was taken just after a watering so that’s why he looks abit wet. The overs are getting once a day before the lights turn off for 6 hrs

@Covertgrower no its a 6ft x 3ft tent but not planning on filling it. Only 3/4 on go at a time

Already have 2 of these