Showing white pistils in veg

I have 4 female California Dream in 5th week of veg and just noticed a few while fresh pistils showing up…I haven’t seen this before being in 24 hour light. I did not buy auto’s just fem. Is this normal for the strain?

Nothing to worry about, they’re showing maturity and ready to flower when the lighting tells them to. Some won’t show a pistil until they see 12+ hours of darkness. Others will start growing pistils after just a few weeks, regardless of lighting. :+1:


Awesome! Thank you for the quick reply. You have set my mind at ease. TGIF

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Can you post a picture of your ladies?

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We love pics

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These are my ladies. Thanks for the intrest

This might be better


@DK1 It is absolutely normal but they need a dark period 18-6 you should let them rest they will get bigger then When you go into flower 12 on 12 off and they will triple in size in flower or more


Nice looking girls there. I had a first happen for me so I understand where you are coming from. It took my GSC 3 months to start flowering. Every time I thought she was, it was just more new growth.

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is it ok to s from 24 on to 18 on at this point? Thanks in advance!


Yes they will be fine if u switch to 18 on from 24 on


Good looking bunch! Try to shoot them in natural lighting, so we can see their color. It can be difficult to see deficiencies and whatnot under blurple. @Hogmaster brings up a good point! I’d flip soon, or you might run out of space in your tent. Nice work! :v:


@DK1 Absolutely they will explode


Let me know if it made any difference you should be able to tell within 2-3 days


@DK1 My GSC took 3 months to flower and she is a fem seed. At least she has some good stalks where she will be able to hold some weight. I had her on a 14/10 cycle. She finally flowered on her own and I was thinking to scrape her and start afresh.

Glad I didn’t as I joined this forum before I dis scrape her. I never had this happen before.