Should she be starting to flower already?

I had 1 super skunk that did this last year. Flowered weeks before her sister.


Early Flowering outdoor is a serious trend this year there has to be something were not seeing, there has been a shit ton of post regarding early flower this year and its a problem people have ever experienced in past years i know i sure havnt iv got plants on there 3 or 4 push for flower but it aint gon n a happen yet she just pops back in to veg, im at a loss. GLOBAL WARMING

Yeah I has a have my journal plant go back into veg…I pulled it this week…Yeah we had record rain and massive snowfall this year and no heat to speak of yet…You are right! this has been a weird year…and I know the Auto thing doesn’t help…But I still enjoy growing them…I think they were created just for impatient people like me… :laughing:

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How can you tell if they are going back into veg?

You will start getting more or less ugly growth with single leaflet, but for each time they flower and then re veg it supposedly increases the overall thc content on the plant so dont pull it what ever ya do just give her time to figure shit out, post a pic of what ya got going ill let ya know what shes doing

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Thank you! This is the biggest one of my three

this one is the one kind of doing what it wants… this was taken at sunset so it is starting to go to sleep lol

this is my smallest plant and is running the same course as the first one

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Yup im gonna say back in veg for sure witch is good :+1: is there any way you could get them a little more sun and possibly a bit more water other than that they look like they may be hungry do ya do any type of feedings

Just an update on the seeds in question. I spoke with ILGM and they think they sent autos by mistake. They did send new seeds but what I don’t get is that they don’t have purple haze autos in there catalog, only photoperiod. So I have no idea what they are. I started another one just to see what happens now that the days are getting shorter. I just got some autos from elsewhere and I’ll get a couple of them started. However the buds are coming along. Here’s a pic about 3 days ago. The other 2 plants are runts but they have buds on them as well. Better than nothing I guess.

Looking good. Post a pic of the label on the pack the seeds came in. We can figure out what strain it is based on the label.

The label does show Purple Haze but there catalog doesn’t show Purple Haze autos and the guy I spoke with was convinced they were auto’s that was sent by mistake. The package on the left was the first one they sent. Don’t really care at this point. I just hope it’s good.

I have four out of 12 that started flowering early. When they went outside we were hit with six weeks of cool, cloudy, and wet weather. One is now revegging.

Strange weather this year. Did not happen with any of my previous outdoor grows.

FP means feminized photoperiod.

This is what reveg looks like .

Down here it’s off the chart insane hot. Everyday 100-115 with the heat index. Maybe mine said lets flower and get the hell outta this heat.

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Time to water and and I will see if anyone else joined the flowering party.

This year its been the reveg party I’ve never seen anyrhing like whats going on this year NEVER


It has been a weird growing season for sure. Also more autos showing the ruderalis trait.

I think mother nature is telling us theres gonna be some changes on there way, this year it seems as if there are no photos if they go out side they turn auto immediately even if the light timing dosnt change at all im a bit on the baffled side it will will really interesting to see what we all come up with for the outdoor season this year

Me also. In May and June we received more rain than we usually get in a year.

Should be an interesting harvest. I am growing 12 different strains outside this year - only the Bruce Banner is a repeat.

I just hope we don’t get an early freak blizzard.

No kidding, are you northern cali