Should I kick this autopot section off?

I told myself before I need to check the filter every once in a while. Then, totally forgot about it. The girls will be done in two weeks so I will be good for the rest of the way.


Man that looks tasty!!! Congrats on pulling 12 zips that’s awesome :metal:t2:. Always a nice feeling to know you got bud to last you a while.


Thanks! Funny thing is that this harvest was within 3g of the last…on to the next!


We should have a section for pictures of everyones happy Autopot plants. Here’s mine.


So here we are at about day 34 and everything seems to be going well. It kinda feels like everything is on automatic. I’m really diggin the autopots so far, it just seems like everything is easier. I peek in through the window 1 or 2 times a day but other than just now I havnt unzipped the door in 4 days.
Not much to report other than it seem s like they’re ramping up the growth after getting topped. Maybe tomorrow I’ll do a little defoliation but coming from autos I’m not sure how much to take.
The environment is good and hangin around 76 degrees and 60rh. The light is about 28” from the tallest with a ppfd of about 650.
I’m always open to advice so if anyone has any tips or suggestions please chime in, especially with the defoliation thing. I’m thinking maybe around 2 more weeks to flip…??


The beauty of auto pots making things easier. I go in my tents most days just to look at the plants and I check the ph in the reservoirs but that’s all I have to do. I would say for a defoliation hit it hard. A photo can take a lot of punishment. Unless you have a particular training your are going with then trim according to that. Plants look solid! Great work bro :sunglasses:


Looking good.

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Thans Cap! Hopefully I can get a bit of time in there tomorrow and I’ll yank a bunch off. I don’t really have a plan for training but I may tie a few branches down for better canopy and light penetration. I have a net which I may toss up just before flip but I think that’ll be a last minute decision

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Thanks man, hope you guys are back in full swing after the wreck. I’ll be over to your journal asking for pics soon!

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Doing good. They totalled it so now try to find something else.

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Went in and pulled off several handfuls of leaves today. I’m going to give that a day or so then I think I’ll do a little lst to spread things out. I like the idea of using a net to spread the canopy even but I’m a little worried that once I put it up I won’t have good access to clean up the bottom of the plants…we’ll see…
By far the biggest fan leaves on my indoor grows


3 days with no updates?


Lol, that made me laugh… and I needed it!
I Havnt even checked on them today,everybody is just crusin along I’m thinking I’m gonna tie down a few of the taller branches and flip within a few days. I’m not sure how much they’re gonna stretch.
Mrs.Pinboy got tired of my bs and hit the sack early so I’ll grab a pic in the mornin


@Pinboy nice plants

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Thanks I’m tryin!!

Here ya go

Doesn’t seem to matter how many leaves I pull off, 3 days later it’s like I didn’t do anything


Same here my friend. I need to do another defoliate.


The struggle is real! I’m not used to this I’m used to autos!


Everything is looking great !!! I just turned my auto pots on 2 days ago for my first run ever with them :slight_smile: it’s so simple it seems wrong lol

21 days old here


Your right it does! That front center 1 is lookin like it’s gonna be a beast