Should I attempt to grow this all the way or toss it? I found male preflowers which makes this plant a hermaphrodite

I’ve had a few plants throw a couple male sacs at beginning of flower. It’s kind of a growers choice as to whether or not you keep going with shim. Keep a watchful eye and pluck if necessary. Sometimes, they’ll line themselves back out and throw gorgeous buds, but then other times it’s just too much stress on the plant and yourself. I personally give it a few days, and if the males stop, keep on truckin.


Thanks alot ,im really vigilant but will continue as ive been


Oooonly thing is, if you get her back on track, you may end up with a seed or three. I had an auto start making sacs at the beginning once, and I had apparently missed one or two. Not a ton of seeds, but they can definitely do a lot of business if you aren’t really careful.

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Ill be careful but hey if they do throw out some seeds itll be less i gotta buy if its a good strain but most likely its not haha. Im def gonna be ordering some strains off here. Any recommendations on any good strains? My only goal in growing is to stop having to buy anymore and just grow all my own since what i grow seems better than dispensary bud


I like that attitude. If I get a seed or three from a plant, it’s like natures gift lol


Good :eye:, I thought they looked veiny :upside_down_face::green_heart::metal:t2:


I have never seen stamens coming out of the calyx along w pistils before. It is definitely something that almost never comes up.

I do see what you are saying about the way those look. I believe you if you have seen that before.

If they were mine I would grow them out to see if they would even be fertile. I have seen nanners grow out of the petiole of a leaf before. Just never a female calyx around a pistol.

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Found 2 more this morning. The crazy thing is most the whole plant is covered with female flowers

These have only been found on lower nodes so im hoping theres a chance to keep it growing into a productive plant. Id haye to have to cull it

Those are female calyx. One of them may be a nanner, the others are female parts.

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Yessir, i know they are female calyx but the nanners are coming out of them . Its weird and confusing as hell. Thx for replying

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I suspect that you have a full blown hermie on your hands. What I mean by that is a plant that is genetically predisposed to herming as opposed to a stress induced hermie.

If you have other plants you may want to get rid of it. If it is your only plant or if you don’t mind a whole lot of questionable seeds, grow it out. We smoked seeded dope all of the time in the 70’s and 80’s. Sens was rare and expensive in those days.


I fully believe its a herm, I have it upstairs and away from my current plant in its 5th week of flowering. I will grow it as i dont have another in line accept a couple of clones and one of them is from this plant lol. Im 39 so the first weed i ever amoked always had seeds so itll be better than nothing . Gonna order some seeds off ILGM but for some odd reason no one is giving me a recommendation after askimg several times. All im growing now is seeds found or given to me. Im all organic too because i like havimg the feeling of creating a beautiful healthy plant

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I’ll suggest that any time you visit both grow spaces always visit the herm last. Pollen moves far and fast


I have really enjoyed growing and smoking all of the strains that I purchased from ILGM.

White Widow and Gold Leaf were my first, six years ago.

Then Purple Haze and Blue Haze. Cherry Pie and Super Silver Haze.

My favorite is a toss-up between Blue Haze and Super Silver Haze.

Many other excellent choices.


So ill need to long after they appear do they have the ability to spread pollen?

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I don’t know that you’ll be able to get a definitive answer on that. Sometimes you don’t even see them and they’ve dropped pollen