Shark attck video

I’m fascinated by these creatures.


Have you ever swam w sharks? The only time I do it is stoned. No worries and relaxed.

Drift dive in Cozemel with tiger sharks and a hammerhead dive in Hawaii. Both were exciting.


I’m fascinated but have full respect for these predators. I don’t believe attacks by the more aggressive species (GW, Tiger, Bull, or Oceanic White Tip) are cases of mistaken identity. If the shark is hungry and desperate, humans are just another food source. The shark makes a decision. I live close to the gulf coast and visit the beach frequently and may wade out to thigh level if the water is super clear. Other than that, I’ll have a beer under a big umbrella on the beach.


@noddykitty1 no offense you’re psycho!!! :rofl::rofl::rofl: Nah seriously that would be pretty cool I couldn’t handle it but still pretty cool

@T-ray dude I got much respect for those things they are a apex predator that has not changed in millions of years :exploding_head::exploding_head: they are designed to hunt and kill with perfection that I do not want to play with


Guess which animal has the best hunt to kill ratio? Been around as long as a shark and before dinos roamed around. I love these lil guys. If no one can come up with it, I will answer and post a link to a video. I love Ma nature.


Great white sharks have been called, not AN apex predator, but THE absolute most apex predator. Could you imagine megaladon and other giants having survived through the ages???


Without using the google, I’ll guess the Orca


The story of this Caribbean shark attack was from October 1972. It is a great read, though it’s not a happy ending other than the fact the Gilliam survived.

Shark Attack! – Divers’ Blogs (

Oceanic White Tips are typically deep water sharks, and therefore don’t pose a threat to the average person going to the beach. But they have probably killed more people than any other shark when you take into account ship disasters (like the USS Indianapolis), divers, etc.


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@Bonjoyle My no Google guess is crocodile

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Hmm… Hippos are damn aggressive too


You are correctamundo about that but it was the dinosaur comment that’s got me thinking crocodile. The little guy comment has got me second guessing crocodiles now though :thinking::upside_down_face:


Dragonflies. 97-99% Kill rate. The highest predatory kill rate of any animal. Most animals are in the 20-30% success rates.


Never would have thunk it.

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You will like this. Fun to watch the dragonfly out maneuver the frogs.