Your plants are looking great! Good luck mate!
Looking great Growmie, not flowering but signs that she is sexually mature. She’ll start flowering once the daylight hours get around 14 and less
Keep on chuckin along…You’re doing great! They look Happy
I germinate my seeds , when they sprout i use 2 liter soda bottles, the work perfect , i fll a little over half way with fox farm dirt , plant the seeds , as it grows i add dirt up to bottom leaves , not starting at the top of the bottle provides shelter for fragile babies and allows room for growth, once they once the dirt is even with the top of the bottle you can usually see the roots as the bottle is clear , thats thesignal to transplant them to their forever home , just cut down the side of the bottle , peel away , it will be a nice little bundle of roots , you just transplant like you normally would and off they go . Obviously whateever you guys are doing is working well , just thought i would share my process, its cheap, efficient and easy
Ohhh yeah I have only grown autos it happens on it’s own!
My bad!
Happy Versery @LunaticYowie चीयर्स
Hahahah!!! Thank you boss!!
Im getting some of those same leaves you’re showing but not as much …
I agree the leaf charts are so hard to interpret they all start too look the same?
I was thinking nutrient lock out…?
yea she recovered a little but only a little. Losing most of her fan leaves still. The flowering spots look good now though. I used all organic and shocked it with that tiger bloom is what i think happened. Ill be more cautious about how much i use initially. On the other hand my Photo didnt have an issue with the tiger bloom at all. Im starting to favor photos.