Sharing my first ever grow

Hey @OGIncognito is that plant ready to be topped you think?


Which plant Growmie, post a pic :love_you_gesture:

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Sry bout that. This one here.


Very nice plant Growmie, I think Iā€™m seeing the start of the 6th node?? If so growers choice and for an outdoor plant, I would go above the 5th or 6th just to keep you off a ladder down the road :laughing::laughing::love_you_gesture:


Thanksā€¦Yeah its not that much waterā€¦Ive moved them away from the fence as far from it I couldā€¦I havenā€™t noticed any problem so ??? I also thought about some sort of canvas or plastic tarp to put up if it gets out of handā€¦but so far its okayā€¦I just get protective of my babies especially when they are smallā€¦ :laughing: As far as chlorine I know our water has chloramines but not actual chlorine anymore .
Also I invested in some Purecrop 1 ā€¦I think you recommended / use it right?


Yes, purecrop 1! And Chloramine is just as bad and smells the same as Chlorine.

chloramine is a combination of chlorine and ammonia so, to me, itā€™s even worse for us and the plants/planet


I overused the Cpt Jacks dead bug at a bad time. We learn. So she is burned on the leaves. I hadnā€™t changed anything so Iā€™m pretty positive thatā€™s what it was. Besides that I think shes looking good. This is a little less than 30 days old. Not exactly sure what she is but it looks like itā€™s at least gonna be a female. Have no idea the strain either so if anyone had insight to what it could be let me know.

Also we got some more seeds coming :sweat_smile: Caught a little fathers day special. Bold move on the 1 packs I know.

Got a filter too.


@Caligurl Yes I hear ya I hate chloramines tooā€¦When I had an aquarium I used to have to use anti-chloramine dropsā€¦Flouride sucks tooā€¦So on the purecrop1 how long can I keep it once I mix itā€¦Like say a gallon ?
@anon75129312 Nice plant looks like youā€™re ready for moreā€¦Im not sure but it looks like bug damageā€¦the burnt tips look like nute burnā€¦but hey Im struggling with my own diagnosis soā€¦?
A lot of time those pre- bottom leaves do that and the rest of the plant turns out fineā€¦


Iā€™ve used my PC1 a week or so later. I never read anywhere that you canā€™t store it mixed up.


Hi itā€™s my first grow too looks good though Im growing a runtz auto in Smyrna New York and mine is 77 days old she is small but beautiful sorry I donā€™t know how to post pics here yet good luck with your grow


Mildew on the leaves! This is new today. it was worse before I dumbly rubbed my fingers over it. I have been giving her lots of water but its been 95 and humid. she is covered with grass hoppers and other things Ive not identified. Only thing I have done is spray with jacks deadbug brew. Please help :sweat: :sweat:


I believe that it was some dried water. Think it maybe from the boggie filter water drying on the leaves. I was freakin out. This forum is a gold mine of info.


@anon75129312 It doesnā€™t look that badā€¦We all freaked out on our first grows Iā€™m sureā€¦Its helicopter plant parent syndromeā€¦ :laughing: Really it doesnā€™t look that badā€¦They straighten themselves out as ling as it doesnā€™t get worseā€¦Try Purecrop1 or look up remedies for P.M. there are quite a few on this forum.
@Caligurl I will try that! I usually only have been mixing small batches but its good to knowā€¦Thanks!!


That purecrop1 is great stuff. Thanks for recommending @Caligurl @AL_GREEN. I used growers alliance fungicide and came back in 5 or so days when the purecrop1 arrived. That stuff kicked butt. She had a few days where her leaves were down I thought she was done but she bounced back.

Cherry Pie Auto

Not a great picture but I got a few more going, 1 runt muffins and 2 more cherry pie. I double dug this bed a foot and half or so down. I layered it with chicken manure, dirt, Alaskan Fish food, dirt, leaf mold, more dirt.


Not only does it workā€¦ the plants seem to LOVE it!


Is LST necessary for outdoor?

Itā€™s hard to say. ā€œIt dependsā€ is mostly what Iā€™ve found and read. Strains, environment and your goals are some factors. If you can give a breakdown of your grow that would help with specifics.

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Actually thank @Caligurl She recommended it to me and its working good so farā€¦But Thanks for the shout outā€¦ :laughing:


Hope everyone is having an awesome week. We finally got some rain this week. Itā€™s been a blessing.

Is this flowering? Or is it new growth?

Had to transplant the photo I have in the tree line. Security reasons. Sheā€™s leaning really hard. Iā€™m really hamstringing her it feels like. Maybe she will produce something. Not sure what to expect.

Some great growth from these gals in the last week or so.


Itā€™s new growth as far as I know!
But youā€™ll be seeing pre flowering phase really soon!

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