Sf 2000 seedlings

Hello these are my ilgm wedding cake photos at 6 days above soil. Started at 30 inches @ 30% power. Ive since turned it up to 35-40% and havnt moved the light. Ive heard of people torching their seedlings running this light at 50%.

My question is should i keep ramping up the light little by little or keep it where it is? Id like to push the limits and keep these as stacked as possible without going too far. Trying for a 9 week veg this grow.
Does anybody else with experience with this light have that limit figured out at this stage?


Regardless of your light, this will be the limits at this stage.

Got a par meter? Or photone app? If not does SF have a user manuel? Their recommendation for growth stage and hanging distances/intensity should be good.

Also 9 weeks in veg is a long time. How tall is your grow space?


Unfortunately im not fully equipped and have no way to measure par…the wife thinks ive already over-invested in my hobby lol. The manual says 25-50% at 30 inches for seedlings, which is pretty broad. Probably best to leave it where it is right now because they look healthy.


I went 8 weeks veg my last grow and had just enough space, but i know i can do a better job of training this grow. I want just a bit more yield which is why im trying for 9 weeks

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In this and early veg phase I wouldnt push. Once veg gets started though…


Yeah its a bit spendy to start out but once you stop buying weed the cost starts coming back. First grow paid for itself.


You can download the photon app. Its free and what i have heard its pretty accurate.


According to the app i downloaded im reading 163 ppfd in the center and 150 on the outside solo cups. So if thats accurate then im on the high end for seedlings. Ill leave it right where it is unless i start seeing issues. Thank you everyone and once again this forum had provided me with great advice.


If they are happy roll with it. No such thing as an app,Ph meter,Or any of the new gizmos for the 5000 years it has been grown till recently. I have photone app. Bah. If not enough you know. If too much you know. Find their happy spot with the light and move forward. Almost every light company suggests 18-24" veg. In flower they can handle 12-18 if canopy heat is not bad. The apps are cool but not necessary to grow good smoke. Here are 2 pics. No app used. Just eyeballing the girls for reaction.

Just MY opinion. Chasing perfection is all well and good. Till it cant be had and stress sets in.


Good words there. I wont let this hobby be like my bowling game…you try too hard and get negative results haha.


You can use this as a guide.


To be honest just a couple grows same setup and you will dial in. Rinse repeat stuff. Some of us grow so much friggin pot its now just my tomatoe garden. Look in. No glaring issues water and walk out. Xbox/binge movie time grin.


Exactly me! Past grow ive a bit overattention and it became lesser plant.


Will the wife let ya spend $35? No more guessing and from my research to do better cost hundreds.


Migro - uni-T

So far ive been buying things when i need them and i havnt gotten to the point where i thought one was necessary i guess


I have several lights, an the woman grows veggies all over the place. They vary in what they need. I cooked some things, and stretched some things, then I picked up a uni-T and all my light issues are a thing of the past.

But I completely understand, the price tag adds up in a frikken hurry! I use old junk lay’n around and anything I can make work for free or cheap is my first choice. But I can’t build a UV spectrometer for $35. I also bought an Apera PC60 for PH & EC. Those are critical to get right for the plants. And I’m not that good a guesser. :crazy_face:

BTW, the bold italics above are links if you didn’t realize. Sorry just had someone else that didn’t realize before.


Your sprouts look good… just keep doing what you’re doin…

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Thers free apps on smart phones for all kinds light meters

Very good advice ,learn to grow with out devices.