Sexing photoperiods

First time growing photoperiods and I’m having trouble sexing my plants. They are 8 weeks old so from what I’ve read i should be able to tell by now.


I see a few white pistils so it is a female plant.


There’s two different plants. You think both are female?

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The first one is a bit young, but it does look female so far. The second one is for sure female.

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Awesome! Thank you! One more question, it’s an outside grow and they’re in 5 gallon fabric pots. Do you think that’s ok or should i repot into larger?

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Many folks grow in smaller containers both indoors and out. That said, my experience has been that larger containers result in larger plants up to a point.

I grow exclusively indoors and use 10 gallon fabric.


Pointing in, I vote female on both.
Can’t remember the part name, stipule?? :person_shrugging:t2::person_shrugging:t2::thinking::metal:t2::green_heart: