Several questions for anyone who has the time to spread some knowledge

Reduce light levels 10-15%. Give her some (2 tsp) molasses to bump the K. Reassess in a week.

All things considered, this might be one of the rare times that I recommend a 7-10 dark period to help to ripen them up.


I can handle that!

So just to be clear.
•back lights off to around 15%
•feed with 2tsp molasses (im assuming that blackstrap)
• reassess

Then possible dark period?


I should asked about your current light level first. You may have already done this a while back. The main takeaway, lower light intensity a touch, if you haven’t already.



We did talk about it awhile back, then i was reading another topic where they were talking about how if your plant was handling the full power of the light and not having foxtails and whatnot to leave it turned all the way up. Ive got to get in there with my photone app and see what ppfd levels are at the canapy. Ive never check after streach.

I dont disagree that the backing off the lights might help to encourage ripening lol. I was just thinking the more light it could take in the last few week the more dense it would be. May not be any science behind that though.

I wonder what the chances of the piggly wiggly having the blackstap :thinking: maybe walmart. I can order it but it would be nice to have it tonight haha.

My sister in laws kids are with us this weekend… yay :neutral_face:. Lung room is locked up tight and im not really alowed in there when they are around. They kinda shady.


Called around and nobody has the blackstrap. They do however have the little brown pint jugs of molasses from the amish :rofl:. Idk what they put in that stuff but everytime i put it on a biscuit i could sh*t through a screen door and not touch a wire :sweat_smile:.

Amazon would be Wednesday at the earliest before its delivered. Would i be better off getting the amish stuff and trying it out tomorrow or order the blackstrap and juat keep doing plain water till Wednesday?


Think like this, the sun intensity and daylight hours decreases as the year begins to wind down. It’s a natural cycle outside. We are replicating this cycle when we change light hours for flowering. Why wouldn’t one do the same for intensity.

The density is pretty much set by wk5. The intensity before this is for the stacking of pistols to build up that bud density. After wk5, you’re not throwing out as many new pistols. Pistols don’t photosynthesize anyway, the leaves do that. Pistols that don’t get pollinated swell.

Right now, your leaves are trying to keep up with the light. This requires more K to open and close the stomata, amongst other roles, like ripening. This is where I suggest implementing potassium sulfate, and cutting the calmag and high P foods. Those will interfere with K uptake.

As time progresses, you’re gonna start loosing more and more leaf matter to the K def. This reduces photosynthesis ability, and that’s what grows plants. That’s why I’m telling you to add blackstrap as a K boost.

The Amish stuff would be fine, if not better than some ie. Grandmas molasses. Goto the grocery store and get what you can. Check labels for the highest K. You can always order something different off Amazon after.


I agree these are not ready yet. Do you need to get these chopped quickly? If not you could dim lights a little but I believe it was intended to suggest reducing 10-15% as in from 100% to roughly 85%, not down to 10% total output. Going way low or putting into darkness would be more hurry them along. Apologies if I missed something.


Better worded than I did. Thanks


You fellas are my heros lol.

Ill grab a jug tomorrow when we do our grocery run. Still 2 tsp even though it isnt the blackstrap? And how often would you recommend? Im gunna bookmark all this so we arnt having this same conversation in a few months :sweat_smile:.

No sir im not chopping nothing till yall tell me to :rofl:. Ive not came all this way just to harvest a week early and loose some potential!! Speaking of potential, is she still putting on weight or am i just waiting on tricombs to ripen?? If shes gunna keep swelling up we will drag this out as long as possible lol.

For a split second i thought the same thing but it wasn’t making sense to do that then a dark cycle. The wife distracted our nieces while i ran in there and bumped it down to 85%. Ive played with it before, with the naked eye you cant see a difference in brightness till you go down below 70%. But with the ppfd meter its very sensitive.


@Low i seen you were out peepin lol. :eyes:

Guess what i done?? Little heard management done put one on the chopping block :grin:


Oh hell yeah! Gonna be a good night!


outta likes but im excited. Doing a 24 marinade on these and they will sizzle on the grizzle tomorrow night.


Yup start with 2 tsp to get some into her. The Amish stuff is blackstrap (meaning unprocessed). After the first dose, frequency and amounts can be adjusted, based on plant. Usually its 1 tsp/gal/wk, but yours needs more initially.

He explained it better than I did. Forget about the dark period. That’s a last resort based on speeding this up. You’re willing to wait, and that’s good. Bout the only good thing that a Dark cycles of 7 to 10 days, it would only speed ripening of plants when they get stuck.


Ugh. I asked if they had blackstrap molasses and i got put on hold. She came back after 2 or 3 minutes and said naw all we have is the little jugs from the Amish :rofl:.

I just know if i rush it i will mess something up lol. As much as im on here and ppsting pics i seriously doubt it would get the chance to over ripen haha.

Im pretty pumped about not having to buy herb for awhile so i am anxious to get her dried and cured but after all this that extra couple weeks aint gunna hurt me haha.

Also it may not matter, but all of these scope pics im posting are from the side of the canopy againt the door. I try to look at the ones closest to the lights but i cant really get in there to check the big colas in the middle. I imagine all the tricobs are all relatively close to the same across the top of the canopy right?


Don’t be afraid to reach in and grabb em to pull them closer for scoping. Yes, they ripen at different times in different places and heights


I seen where you said that earlier haha. First thing i thought about when you said they were the same.

I may could rig something up to extend my reach out closer to the center of the plant :thinking:. Ill have to mess with it when the kids go home tomorrow. The way it sounds i have time :sweat_smile:.

I dont suppose i need to revert back to checking ppm and ph again do I? I haven’t been the last couple waterings. I haven’t been watering to runoff either, do i need to start?


@thebagman i aint watching yet but im not hearing good things…

Not my area of knowledge. Someone else has to assist there. You’d have to really work to lockout K with pH.


I would set ph but not really worry about anything else.


Alright i can do that!!

What about the quantity of water? Still just keep it from drying out or do i need to give water to runoff for another few waterings?