Several questions for anyone who has the time to spread some knowledge



Looking yummy bro!



Thanks!! I might accidentally end up with enough to last till i can finish another one. One can dream lol :sweat_smile:.


Dang @TheAbu95, your gal looks absolutely gorgeous! What size tent are you in and how long did you veg? Giving me some new aspirations :smile:

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Thank you!!!:slightly_smiling_face:

My tent is a 27x27x56

Im not sure on exactly when your supposed to start counting from seedling to veg but from the day she popped out of the soil to the day i flipped was 54 day.

This pic is from 3 days after flip for a canopy reference if it helps any :grin:




Thanks, bud!! I have new goals! haha. I may be picking your brain if thatā€™s cool. My first grow taught me some humility to say the least. LoL. Itā€™s in flower at the moment, but I may end up using this first round for extraction instead of smoke. BUT ā€¦ I do have my next 4 girls getting into their veg. Iā€™d love a tent that looked like what you got there. Golly-Gee-Whiz :heart_eyes:


Be happy to answer any questions i can man!! Im still kinda green behind the ears myself but if we cant figure something out i bet i know some fellas we can tag and get you taken care of!!:grinning: There are people on this forum that i imagine are some of the better growers in the country lol, and ive had nothing but helpful interactions with everyone!!:grin:

Biggest thing i could personally tell you is dont be afraid to ask questions lol!!

There is a well of great info on here for someone willing to put the time in!!:slightly_smiling_face:Do you have a journal started for your 4 new plants??


I have had nothing but pleasant interactions with everyone on here so far. I stalk Low and Madam Calamity quite often along with Chitty. :rofl:

I have a journal I started for my first round of babies and have looped the new girls in with it. I might start a whole new thread, but I donā€™t know yet.

Are you in soil?


They are part of that group of badas*'s i was talking about :rofl:.

Yes i am in soil. This run is foxfarm OF and i used foxfarms ā€œtrioā€ nutrients with a couple other foxfarm liquids.

But im very strongly considering swapping to root original soil and jacks nutrients on this new plant. Jacks seams to be a forum favorite and ive seen several people recommend the roots soil. Ive been given lots of good info on the jacks dry amendments, im just scared to change everything since i had a successful first run :sweat_smile:. Gunna have to try it onece just to see :face_with_peeking_eye:.

Today she is looking about the same but i can definitely tell everything is starting to dry out lol. Ive backed off watering and RH in tge tent has been staying in the mid 30s.

@TCBart im gunna go follow your journal!!


We might have discussed, briefly, the desire to jump ship on FF soil on another forum somewhere. I used a 50/50 mix of Happy Frog and Ocean Forest on my first run. I haphazardly tried to pH my water with a crappy pH pen and had lockout from the start. Curious, what were you pHing your water to going in for that soil? I talked to a guy at the hydroponic store near me last week and he said to aim for 5.8-6.2 going in ā€¦ but, according to what I have read from others on here that seems really low.

Iā€™m not going to lie, watching Mr. Canucks Grows on YouTube is what inspired my new hobby. Dude has some amazing results and makes it looks so darn easy :rofl: I am more attracted to the idea of top dressing amendments in or making teas, rather than using synthetic nutes.


Seams like i do remember us talking about soil. I knew your pic looked familiar :sweat_smile:. I got like 6 brain cells left and 7 of them are stonnedā€¦

That is lower than what i was doing going in. I tried to maintain a ph of 6.5-6.8 going in. Seamed like as long as i flushed when i was supposed to i never really had any ph issues. I did have to order some ph up solution to add early on in flower because my nutes were bringing it down to below 6.

I will have to check out that YouTube channel!! If your looking into nutes its definitely worth looking jacks up in the search bar. Low also left me a very detailed list of pros for jacks a couple hundred comments back :sweat_smile:. I recon they go by weight.


Ahahahaha!! :rofl: :joy: :rofl: :joy:

Ok, sweet! 6.5-6.8 is exactly what has been stuck in my head to do this next run. Thanks growmie!! And Iā€™ll be stalking you now too, so donā€™t mind the windowless van parked across the streetā€¦ :eyes:


Sounds like a plan stan :sweat_smile:.

Have to be careful around these parts. Mess around and get ate by a crack-o-potamus :laughing:. :v:

Remember, cant nobody answer a question you dont askšŸ™ƒ


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Tweet! Very nice.


Thatā€™s hydro numbers and not for soil

Putting somebody behind a register, doesnā€™t make them know what theyā€™re doing. People always assume, well if you work there, that you must know what youā€™re talking about.


Thanks Budbro!! Thatā€™s exactly why I came straight here to verify what he told me. He also seemed very uninterested in anyone being there at all. 2nd interaction Iā€™ve had with him and I get the vibe that he thinks Iā€™m a narc from the way he treats me. Lol. Anyhow, Iā€™ve worked in the service industry long enough to know that sometimes there is just someone in a position as a place holder and not necessarily someone that is either passionate/knowledgeable. :rofl:


@dbrn32 @Budbrother are these pics clear enough to tell anything about maturity or do i need to punt and try again? Ive been playing with the lights in tent and on scope. So far these are my best shots. Looking through the loupe i can see them a little better. Lots of cloudy and clear.

Its gunna be atleast a couple days before i can set up to harvest so im in no hurry if you guys tell me it needs a week then a week it will get lol. I would just appreciate a second or third option until i get a couple runs under my friskers :sweat_smile:.


Thereā€™s still a lot of clear trichomes. So youā€™re in for the proverbial ā€œanother 2 weeksā€ :wink: :wink:


Thank you!!!

Yikes lol. I might not should have stopped feeding so early if she goes another 2 weeks. That would be bumping 11 weeks of flower :grimacing:.